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February 19, 2005




either way, straight/gay the cover guy on the left, with his awkward stance (it's like he's dragging his right leg) & poor posture looks kinda "special".

nice find ken. i may have to buy tomorrow's ny times. excellent bad art damage.

Chris J

What's the FCC going to do when baseball season starts, and all the crotch scratching begins?

Jeff T

The commercial is actually an animation in which the man on the left walks up to the man on the right, touches his ass then pauses for the reaction. So what we are seeing here is not photoshoped, it's simply a screen capture of the ass touching reaction. The first image is a screen capture of the touching in progress. That being said it is still a lame choice to show the reaction instead of the hot hand-on-ass action.

The ad can be seen here:

Rob S.

What are they going to do for diaper commercials? Are baby butts threatening to the fragile psyche of our children as well?

Station Manager Ken

Thanks for the correction, Jeff. I updated my post to reflect the reality based community.

S.S. Eye

Hinlarious. I was just showing this to my wife on Sunday. Without the hand on the butt, the meaning is lost - it just looks like the guy on the left is threatening the other dude. What's the point? Only baseball managers can talk sternly without being gay?

Ed Word

Before reading this, I saw the first photo, thought: thats funny becuase of how true it is. Then saw the second one and thought: thats hilarious.

Then I read it, felt the same about the first but the second, I felt as if it was horrible that picture was shown out of context to so many people who may have saw it and thought: "it just looks like the guy on the left is threatening the other dude. What's the point? Only baseball managers can talk sternly without being gay?"- to quote S.S. Eve who put it perfectly.

Listener John

Hey, this topic is dead, maybe, but I gotta ask the question that's been on my mind since I was in Little League:

Why do sports guys pat each other's butts so much?

Jon Kinder

A pat on the rear is always a positive jesture. Those who don't pat or refuse to be patted are uncomfortable about their sexuality.


i dunno. sometimes i have a hard time touching my own butt.
thank god the shower hides my crying eyes.

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