Admit it, those awful screen
captures from the leaked Carrot Top sex video are not an appropriate desktop
wallpaper. Don't blame yourself, I too question Microsoft's decision to ship
them with XP, but there is hope! Listener Jeff here with some desktop wallpapers
that could easily make you the most popular person on your network.
Animals always make adorable
desktops, who wouldn't want to store MP3s on this
these grizzlies, a
pizza party, or this precious little
moment which
I should point out is totally unrealistic.
First off, beavers are not friends
with squirrels, they're far too smart to be seen with them. Secondly, just for
the sake of argument lets say the beaver was “a little slow” or something and
decided to befriend a squirrel, they wouldn't value a flower like we do. They
are incapable of understanding it’s fragile beauty. That's really what separates the
human from the squirrel. Unlike these filthy rodents we've got a little thing
called civilization and it doesn’t matter how often they keep me awake all
night with there constant scratching and chittering, they ain't never going to
be the top dog. You hear that Tufty? NEVER. Maybe if they stopped stuffing
their cheeks for a couple minutes they could make something of themselves like
their relative the pigeon. That's an animal that had the good sense to quit
chittering and do their duty overseas like a true patriot. Countless carrier
pigeons lost their lives fighting the Nazi war machine making sure today’s lazy
squirrels have the freedom to spend all day jumping from tree to tree, ignorant of the harsh reality of the real world. Notice I didn't mention thieving seeds from bird
feeders? That's because incase the name “bird feeder” didn't clue them in,
those seeds are FOR BIRDS.
I could go on but in honor of the
brave carrier pigeon here are some hyper patriotic wallpapers, which are very
hard to find on the internet. We have Lady Liberty/Flag/God, Eagle/Flag/Derby, Flag/Wordy Text and Flag/Bush/Clock/Fear/Lecture. Happy Wallpapering and remember, tiling is so Windows 98.
(Thanks Scary Squirrel World for incriminating information)