I've long been in favor of the FCC issuing a list of words which are no longer allowed on radio and television. I think it would actually make it easier for DJs to express themselves on the ordinary (but currently banned) topics of sexuality and excretion. But after seeing this list of 1,159 banned words from the National Football League, I'm having second thoughts. And what the hell is a "420" or a "deaper?"These are the words that the NFL wont print on their popular personalized NFL jersies. Full story here, via outsports.com.
420 is stoner speak for lighting up - as in 4:20 - as in tea time - as in marijuana=tea.
Posted by: allan | April 30, 2005 at 03:09 PM
420 is the mean number of instances of "um" during a typical Stan show, as computed by the National Science Foundation in early 2003.
Posted by: bryce | April 30, 2005 at 03:39 PM
Looks like I can still get STEAMER on a Cleveland Browns jersey!
Posted by: Listener James from Westwood | April 30, 2005 at 04:07 PM
Damn, so much for that KOTEX jersey I've always wanted.
Posted by: Rob S. | April 30, 2005 at 06:38 PM
No "FLOGGIN THE DOLPHIN" Jersey on my back.
and what is "WUUTANG" why can that not be put on a jersey when Wu Tang can?
And why is "Gay Nazi" bad, but plan old hertero nazis are not?
oh NFL, you leave me perplexed.
Posted by: Ed Word | April 30, 2005 at 07:03 PM
For what it is worth, Apple has the same type of list for its "engraved" ipod program. I wanted to buy an ipod that said "Fuck Apple" on the back. Not allowed. But "Apple Sucks" seemed to be OK.
Posted by: Jake | May 02, 2005 at 10:52 AM
The list is remarkably inconsistent as well. I can get Butch, but not Femme (and what the heck is wrong with femme?). Also, they seem to be unable to spell, because I can get Dyke, even though I can't get Lesbian, or 'Dike', whatever that is.
Posted by: Requiem | March 21, 2007 at 02:51 PM