Levitating frogs (mpeg) and tomatoes (mpeg), brought to you by a group of wacky scientists in the Netherlands (futuristic lair, pictured right). Check out this page for more videos of floating crap, along with a few explanations for how these feats were accomplished. It all boils down to a nifty mega-magnet that produces a maximum field of 20 tesla, which is 400,000 times the
earth's magnetic field.
via wobha!
Wait, this is new!? I thought we had this stuff figured out some twenty years ago. Remember that hit movie Moving Violations? The "frog" was doin' a lot more than just aimlessly spinning around in the last scene.
Well, at any rate, "floating crap" is nothing new -- pretty sure it's the peanuts but I'm a grant short of determining that for certain.
Really don't mean to sound so cynical, tho. I can think of at least a dozen uses for floating tomatoes.
Posted by: Zach in Philly | April 07, 2005 at 04:35 PM