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April 04, 2005


Zach in Philly

MORPhallicious job, Liz!

No link for it, but the Violent Femmes' "You can bump and grind ... Have a good time," from "Children Of The Revolution" is a shoo-in, too.
Heard a song on Mike Lupica's Show that had me switchin' in my seat: Betty Davis, "If I'm in Luck I Might Get Picked Up," to add.
An, whatever happened to a good 'ol fashioned tag teamin' as observed in Homer-n-June-n-Jethro's take on "Baby, It's Cold Outside" from The Dirtiest Set on WFMU.

R Bishop

Why not tell them to get enrolled into your U.S. army, and go to Iraq to detonate their hormones ? I hear over there, you even get to burn the (human) evidence after you've finished with it. Rape in Phillipines, Okinawa, &c, &c, does not present quite such good opportunities, but hey ! a GI gets it where (s)he finds it ! go Lindy ! Go Lindie !

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