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April 27, 2005


Listener James from Westwood

When I think of the Haz, I think of the Spazz. My condolences to Adkins's near and dear, but also to Dave -- his show introduced me to Hasil's music, and -- much like his Screamin' Jay tribute -- I anticipate the sendoff to end all sendoffs tomorrow night!!

Bat Guano

I heard the Cramps' "She Said," thought they were the demented sonso'bitches. Then I heard the original. Pure crazy backwoods nutsoid beauty.

I saw Haze in New Orleans, Feb. 2003. One of our party pointed out, trying to sound jaded, "Oh, hey, there's Thurston Moore." Yup, he was there. All the freaks eventually bowed down to Hasil.


Aw-aw-aw-awful news...I used to catch the Haze at Maxwells back in the early 80's. I recall yaking to him once, but I don't remember much due to heavy drink n' buse.

and thanks go out to Billy & Miriam for dragging Haze into our lives.



I took a trip to West VA in 1993 specifically to look up Hasil (& Jessco White & The Amazing Delores) and to photograph him. If anyone needs any images of Hasil for magazines or websites, please email me. Hunch that thing! BH


one in 6 billion!! radio dixigas will air a radio special following sunday!
(first of may!)
tex dixigas


The family needs help giving Hasil a proper burial.
If you want to help, you can send money to:
Irene J. Dolan
4288 Camp Creek Rd.
Julian, WV, 25529

Mister B

Life is frequently dejection and disappointment, but every so often I discover something new and great that makes me think I'm so damn glad I lived long enough to experience this. It's part of the keepin' on keepin' on. One year ago, that happened again when I found Hasil Adkins. RRIP. Rest and Rock in Peace.
Brian H.
New Hampshire

Jeff Kerr

Giants trod the dirt in our lifetime. I got to see the man in action. He's from my home area and we got Adkins in our background so his wild blood in probably fermentin' in my veins somewheres. Adios, Hunchman.

It's Hasil NOT Hazel

In a Cramps listserv message someone mentioned that Hasil was in the hospital a week before he died because...

"apparently, some drunk/crazy guy on a four-wheeler went on a rampage and started running people down, of which, hasil was one of them...he got hit sitting on his front porch..."

Anyone know if this is true?

Luis Miguel S. Jesus

When I checked last Friday for rock'n'roll obituaries on the "Dead Rock Stars Cub" site, I was shocked !!!!!!!! The Haze has passed away, the greatest anti-genius, ...what am I saying, the greatest genius of truth, integrity, rawness and everything rock'n'roll should be is dead...I cried a tear and did a crazy chicken walk...and listen to all my fave Haze classics in a row...
Madeira Island - Portugal

Nervous Paulvis Eggsley

I just heard the news:
There's Bad Rockin' Tonite...
They call me the UK's answer to Hasil Adkins...
I always hoped to someday meet my eternal muse.
It ain't to be now and I shed a tear for the man who legitimised my sound.
All I can say is "Save Me Some Loving"
The King is Dead!! - Long Live the Great Pretender!!
Nervous Paulvis Eggsley's One Madman Banned (aka Wurzle Adkins)


Unfortunately the 4 wheeler rampage story is true. Apparently the kid ran down Hasil while he was sitting on his steps to his trailer petting his new puppies and then ran down one other person after him...
While in the hospital Hasil said he hoped they only keep him for 5 years and he learns his lesson and can still have a chance.

i hope they beat the f******* s*** out of him myself

Charlie Davidson

Tragic news. My band released a Haze tribute song last year and I got to speak twice to the main man. What an honour! Rock on, Haze. We'll miss ya!


I've very sorry to hear about Hasil. My condolances to his family & friends.
I got turned onto Hasil by a music encyclopedia. He was right there towards the beginning in the "A's" I loved the description & checked out his stuff. I was fascinated. In 2001, my girlfriend & I went on a holiday to Charleston, South Carolina. On the way back, we spent the night in Charlston, WV. We rode our bikes to a local record store. I checked out & bought a Hasil CD. Then I asked the owner if he knew of any good local bands or clubs to check out. He took me outside to point in the direction I needed to go. On the way out the door, I spotted a flyer on the wall. The flyer had that day's date on it & it said, "Lords of the Highway & Hasil Adkins @ The Broken Glass" I got excited & said to the owner, "Don't tell me Hasil Adkins is playing tonight!!" He smiled & said, "Yeah, that's where I was gonna send you."
Needless to say, I showed up to the club. I was talking to the doorman, "Paul" & Hasil's friend Clate Cooper walked up. I had a good time talking to them about Hasil. Paul was talking to the owner by cell phone who went to pick up Hasil for the show. Hasil pulled up soon after & I said, "Hey Hasil!!" & he smiled graciously & shook my hand just as if we were old friends. It was entertaining to watch Hasil talk to Paul & Clate. Then we went inside & Clate introduced Hasil to me & told Hasil, "This guy is a big fan of yours & is from St. Louis & passing through tonight. I asked Hasil if he'd sign my flyer & CD which he did. Then I took a picture of him & Clate together. Clate then took a picture of Hasil & I together. It was such a great time! Hasil liked the flyer & wanted to know if I'd send him a copy. I told him, "No problem" The show was great & I took a lot of action photos of the gig. When I got home, I made color copies of everything & sent them to the address Hasil gave me.
About a week later, I got a nice thankyou note from Hasil.
I will cherish that note & those memories for the rest of my days.
Hasil was a true gentleman & a rockabilly pioneer.
Hasil, wherever you are, thanks for all the music & for being so nice to me. I really appreciate it & will never forget you.

the drunk mailman

hasil...i don't believe there's a heaven or a hell...but right now i hope i'm wrong...give me a sign...and let me know where you're at...and i promise i'll come and see you...and i'll bring some heads with me...r.i.p. from tdm

Mariano Azqueta

Haze we will miss you very much... I still remember the first time i heard your records... it was the begining of the end of an era!!! thanks for all the wildness & hapiness, love and
keep on rockinĀ“
Mariano, from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cheryl Williams

Hasil, I didn't ever get to meet you, in fact just a week or two ago heard, She Said. Passed your picture around a music site to see if they could I.D. Now I hear your gone. I hope you left some songs we've yet to hear. Just a gal in Colorado.

Minnesota Amy

I love you, Hasil. I hope to join you in heaven some day. You're my little baby boy and my little boy baby. Tears.

Stacey Adams

wall fountains

Monk Fargo

There are very few true originals. We've just lost an original among originals.

Damn! He was good!

RIP Hasil

Lincoln County, Adkins

.....well ain't the same without ya. God, I wish I had gotton to know ya better. You look so much like uncle Roy Adkins in that pic of you holding the Banjo like a Fiddle. Won't be another like you. Maybe in Holland..since we are of Dutch descent.
......Boone County has a void in it since you passed. I hope someone remembered to place a bottle of Vodka at your feet and at least a gallon or two of Coffee for your journey. Rock on Bro....! From The Adkins Family, Lincoln County, W.Va...!

Randy Craft

I spoke with Hasil on the phone only months before he passed away. I am a singer/songwriter, based in Virginia, and have originated a style of music called "Redneckbilly". I was going to do a show with Hasil near Madison, W.Va.. So unfortunate that he passed away before I could have an experience of a lifetime.
His music was unique to say the least. Hasil, Rest in Peace.
I'll do that show with you in heaven someday.
Randy Craft
Redneckbilly Music
Stuarts Draft, Virginia

clate coopers' mystery dancer

haze will always be alive in our "hillbilly-mountain" hearts. he has been a major icon of influence in the recognition of our mountain culture. sure happy to know his influence has, and will be, carried on through people like jesco white, clate cooper, and others. hope to see lot's of young mountain folk following in the footsteps of our cultural legends. it's something to be proud of !

Gary Forney

I have a split 45rpm of Hasil and Crazy Amy. Hasil sings "I got a gal in Minnesota" and Crazy Amy sings "going to West Virginia". It's signed by Crazy Amy. Hasil had passed.
Hasil was a true original. There aren't many left.

Bobby Miller

Haze could let loose the most spine chilling cry that ever froze the blood.When you have heard Hasil live, you remember.

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