Canada's own GX Jupitter-Larsen needs no introduction to noise aficionados. His project The Haters has been exploring decay and nihilism in sound for over 20 years. Some of his projects have included amplified staple guns, replacing the tone arm and cartridge of a record player with an amplified toy shovel and designing noisy and destructive items with Survival Research Labs.
Here's a clip showcasing Haters alternatives to the playback of pre-recorded music (quicktime - right click and "save target as" on your PC)
GX also has a spot on the web for some short video clips of his projects here.
ADDENDUM!! GX was kind enough to write in: As ALTERNATIVES TO THE PLAYBACK OF PRE-RECORDED MUSIC. It really does means a lot; thanks. There's just a little something I want to bring up. If I may be so bold as to to point out a correction I think should be made: to call me or The Haters "Canada's own" is very misleading. First of all, I am a US citizen. I might have grown up there, but I haven't been back in over 20 years. Secondly, The Haters actually started in New York City when I lived there in 1979, before I went back to Vancouver to go to film school. Actually The Haters were based in San Francisco two times longer than in Vancouver. For two years (1991 & 1992) The Haters were actually based in Bordeaux France (where I was living at the time). Forgive me if I seem piety over this. Thanks again.
ALL THE BEST GX (back in Hollywood where he belongs)
You may call him "Canada's" but I know for a fact he's a US citizen. Any way, you can look him up at jupitter-larsen dot com... Very cool ! ! ! !
Posted by: Lisa | April 30, 2005 at 03:28 PM
He grew up near Vancouver, BC. FWIW.
Posted by: Little Fyodor | May 02, 2005 at 01:25 PM