Want to pray for President Bush but dont know where to begin? Just click here for the Presindential Prayer Team's website, which provides up-to-date prayer guidelines pertaining to the prevailing agenda and itinerary of the executive branch. It's kind of like buying one of those books of sample lottery numbers if you can't think of a lottery number of your very own. On the President's current prayer agenda: praying for "refreshment" at the presidential ranch in Crawford, Texas, and praying for the removal of roadblocks standing in the way of confirming capable judges, whatever the hell that might mean! And be sure the check out the Presidential Prayer Team radio spots, including this one (MP3) about how God protected George Washington despite being shot four times! You could become immortal too, if you would only join the Presidential Prayer Team!
I can only hope that this was funded by taxpayer money so the entire House of Bush/House of Saud tumbles down like a House O' Cards.
Posted by: Krys O. | April 25, 2005 at 02:42 PM
Obviously Ken is linking to the radio spots page in the hopes that someone will create a humorous cut-up piece using this audio as source material. Okay, Ken, I accept your challenge!
Presidential Prayer (edit)
Posted by: jima | April 26, 2005 at 09:50 PM
Wow Jim, you read my mind and made water spray out of my nose! Thanks! I'll be sure to play that on the air next week.
Posted by: Station Manager Ken | April 27, 2005 at 03:53 PM
Unbelievable. The site quotes an article from Newsweek:
Newsweek Magazine Reports President Bush's Faith in God
The latest edition of Newsweek Magazine has as its theme the godly faith of President George W. Bush. The lead article details the President's journey to a sincere faith in God after many years of church attendance without a living faith.... Here are some of the more notable quotes from the article:
"Faith helps Bush pick a course and not look back. He talks regularly to pastors, and loves to hear that people are praying for him." -NWM [that's funny, he doesn't talk regularly to anyone else!]
"The atmosphere inside the White House, insiders say, is suffused with an aura of prayerfulness. There have always been Bible study groups there; even the Clintonites had one. But the groups are everywhere now." -NWM
Posted by: Thomas Peake | May 04, 2005 at 09:53 AM
You are connecting fatih and Bush. Oh my god...
Or should I better say ohlord? This guy is only pretending this christian thing for the leadership and the war..
Greetz from Germany, Hans Kredit
Posted by: Kredite | May 11, 2005 at 05:10 PM
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Posted by: Jason Parker | May 23, 2005 at 06:21 PM
Where did you find this guestbook by the way??? I'd like to have one like this on one of my sites!!!
Posted by: Nikki | June 01, 2007 at 09:37 PM