Or perhaps what you might want to do on yours... This year mark's the 30th anniversary of a movie I never get tired of watching; Steven Spielberg's blockbuster, JAWS. There will be a celebration in Martha's Vineyard, the original filming site - this summer, June 3-5th, called JawsFest '05. Highlights will include an island-wide scavenger hunt of production sites, tours, a JawsFeast (wonder if that features chum and license plates as entrees), trivia contests & other Jaws themed events.The local YMCA will even get in on the action by hosting a swim for kids called "the shark in the pond!" If you're not in the mood to take the trek to Martha's Vineyard, feast your eyes on this, a 30 second animated version of the movie, using bunnies as characters, courtesy of Angry Alien Productions. You'll reminisce for about a second, or thirty. And who knew the shark's name was Bruce?