MP3s: Give The Children a Chance, Little Children Pt. 1, Little Children Pt. 2, Lenox Ave., Rapping, m-l-k
Back in the early 80s, little Miss Angela Simpson -- then 6 years old -- made an LP on Spectrum Records simply entitled "Angela." According to the liner notes, she was some sort of a prodigy, even going so far as to appear at the Apollo Theater. But to our ears, she's just awful. I mean, wonderfully awful; WFMU-style awful. Out of tune warbling, saccharine rhymes, and a voice that grates on even the most open-minded of listeners puts this gem into the pantheon of the unlistenable. File this under Atrocious. Needless to say, we love it.
ah...thank you! I have been waiting for this album to download off soulseek for a week now.
and thanks for the aktion films. yr great mr. Kenny G.
Posted by: grrrr | May 06, 2005 at 12:45 PM
Heared 'Little Children part 2' on Scott William two weeks ago. Thought it was a homerecording, but no! Thanks for sharing this, Kenny G!
Posted by: poesboes | May 06, 2005 at 03:36 PM
How long ago did you promise to get this to us kenny?
Thank you very much sir.
Posted by: Ed Word | May 06, 2005 at 07:19 PM
Yeah, there's no date on the record. On the air I had said that I thought it was from the 70s but something about the title "Rapping" then made me think it was more early 80s. Dunno... when this was recorded is really anybody's guess. BTW, I left off about 3 shitty tracks on the record, which are horrid instrumentals sans Angela.
Posted by: Kenny G | May 07, 2005 at 11:57 AM
I contacted the person who turned me on to Angela Simpson last year and he tells me the record came out in 1972. I guess the term "rapping" goes back a few years! He recently was able to contact Angela, who now is a mom still living in Harlem. Fortunately she's not seeking a record deal.
Posted by: ion | May 07, 2005 at 05:23 PM
Thanks so much for this info!!!!! Maybe Brian Turner can coax her out onto the FMU airwaves!!!
Posted by: Kenny G | May 07, 2005 at 07:33 PM
This stuff is great. In the late '60s & '70s "rapping" just meant two or more people
talking to each other, usually but not necessarily about serious or "heavy" stuff.
Also: rap session, let's rap, etc.
Posted by: tom l. | May 07, 2005 at 08:22 PM
I guess I may just be too far gone, and I've only listened to "Lenox Ave," but I don't think I'd consider this good-awful. It's really pretty cool. I mean that ending "You thought I was goin ta say it, but remeber, I'm just a little girl from Harlem - more power to the people"
C'mon, that's the stuff right there!
Posted by: hyena sparerib | May 10, 2005 at 05:03 PM
I'm with Hyena Sparebib (although I never thought I would say that). I genuinely like Angela. Leave it to Kenny G to insult a talented six year girl.
Posted by: Station Manager Ken | May 10, 2005 at 06:52 PM
I got an excerpt from "Good Morning Daddy" at, and I've always been taken by what I had heard. Thanks for posting more from it. I have to admit I lean more towards Hyena and Ken though.
Posted by: Grant | May 17, 2005 at 01:03 PM
If you seriously find Lenox Ave "unlistenable", you don't need me to tell you you're cracked.
Posted by: roxymuzak | October 07, 2006 at 03:07 PM
This is GOLDEN!!!!! I bet she could of beat anybody in a freestyle battle back in the day....
Posted by: Zamboo | March 06, 2008 at 02:29 AM
six yrs old in seventytwo holy cow the scene is like her the last poets and the sugar hill gang watching the cosby kids
lenox ave ftw
Posted by: OtherMichael | June 23, 2008 at 09:00 PM
thanks for letting a child speaks through their mind on what they see,think and grow. thank god for a child who uses langston hughes to tell people that god's life has a true meaning to all sanits ans sinners alike. for her braise knoeledge of turning mr. hughes' classic into a haullgentic vibes of thrashing intergalatical wah-wahs, and four score druming,boy, i wish this sister would think of filthy mouth females like lil' kim and foxxy brown,and trina,with her disgusting self. when i hear lenox ave, i fainted and said,'lord, here's a prodigy you must rember for the rest of your days-or maybe years.' anglea is a rare beauty and a real master at work.
Posted by: nicoledenise | November 10, 2008 at 03:01 PM
thank god for a sistah like angela simpson and other six yearsolds are doing something for a change-just to make a peaceful world for 'a child shouldstay in a child's place. this is what i'm saying; more power to angela.
Posted by: nicoledenise | November 10, 2008 at 03:05 PM
little children get yourself together-stop disrepect the one who gave birth to you. love remains forever. just as chirst nailed to a cross. thanks angela.
Posted by: nicoledenise | November 10, 2008 at 03:11 PM
say your thang,chilllllllllllle!
Posted by: nicoledenise | November 10, 2008 at 03:13 PM
Hi.. I came a by this website because of searching for info on Angela Simpson. I picked up her original lp at a yard sale.. thought it may be intresting to listen to. Then I relized, it is still sealed in the shrinkwrap. I was wondering if I should open it or not? If it has a real value to it, wouldn't I be better off to keep it sealed? Thanks!
Posted by: clay | April 17, 2009 at 12:02 PM
In light of "Whip My Hair," I think we need to recast how important and amazing Miss Angela Simpson's work truly is.
Posted by: mateo | January 20, 2012 at 04:57 PM
Angela Simpson was a child prodigy. The "Angela" album was released 1972 and contained a total of 9 tracks. It is important to note the term "rapping" was coined later in the 1980's but in fact many other famous soul artists had been "rapping" a long time before that new genre emerged and became commercialized. Case in point, Gill Scott Heron, James Brown, Muddy Waters, just to name a few. Angela serves to remind us that children are our future. We love you Angela Simpson!
Posted by: TonyG | June 09, 2013 at 06:16 PM
Please upload the other songs no matter how "bad" you think it is!
Posted by: Brenna | July 20, 2013 at 12:42 AM