Looking at Carrie McLaren's Stay Free Daily blog today I was reading about artist Howard Hallis, who was slapped with a takedown order from Chick Tracts for his parody of one of their comics. What really blew our minds was his ungodly detailed Picture of Everything, which literally IS. I mean, it makes the Sgt. Pepper's cover look like a work of minimalism. Click on sections to see upclose details of individual corners of the universe, and positioning your
browser over a topic gets a pop-up TAG of what it is (see the Current 93 band logo in one closeup depicted here). We spent the entire afternoon marvelling at the array of stuff: band symbols, every comic character under the sun, every spaceship that's ever been on TV or in the movies (including the bone-shaped one from Spaceballs), and just everything other absurd image you can think of ("my mother next to Christo's Umbrellas"). And then you can go underwater in the pic and a whole new universe opens! Jump in, spend an hour. Or a week.
This is a lot like the text-based Where's Waldo Online, but not.
Posted by: Kenzo | May 14, 2005 at 02:12 PM
... and *that's* a lot like Andy Breckman's radio wordsearch.
Posted by: Oscar | May 16, 2005 at 11:26 AM
(including the bone-shaped one from Spaceballs), Thats The sattelite of Love
From Mystery Science Theater 5000
Posted by: Myster 3000 | June 14, 2006 at 07:35 PM