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June 27, 2005


Ed Word

Some of these are worthy of the wfmu homepage.


what's with the recurring theme of buff thirtysomethings leaping through the siberian marshlands bearing aerials? was this some kind of short-lived olympic exhibition sport (the 10th-caller biathalon)? maybe they're tracking migratory counterrevolutionaries wearing radio collars? were they just trying to demonstrate that soviet youth don't sit lazily around listening to radio moscow's (all revolution all the time!) 48-hour internationale marathon?

Le Biglemoi

Hi from Paris!
Funny, I bought several RADIO [PAANO] magazines last year in Armenia and was quite amazed by their colour front pages, it seems indeed that those were "orientation" races using radio devices from what I could get from the inside of the mags. There were podiums and medals! An ode to the soviet communication system…

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