Forget the news. Aren’t you sick of all the reports of U.S. torture of foreign nationals, and how our country has been caught red-handed launching an illegitimate war? And who hasn’t had enough of the all the news cycle sucking sideshows– the runaway bride, the Motown Pedophile and the recent revelation of the real “Deep Throat”? It’s all so depressing and messy.
If you’re as distraught about what's going on in the world today as I am, then I may have some good news for you. The saucers may finally be on the way.
That’s right. All the painful political bickering and mind-numbing non-news may soon be reduced to forgotten trivia. The mother of all current events may be on the horizon– first contact.
A man who goes by the name of “The Prophet Yahweh” (a.k.a. “The UFO Summoner,” or just “Ramon Watkins”) claims that over the next few weeks he’s going to call down a bunch of spaceships over Las Vegas, and America, for the news media to film and fawn over. And while it all sounds kinda fantastic, the prophet did offer a taste of his powers to an ABC affiliate in Vegas the other day. And well, whatever happened it’s a pretty wild bit of news video. Download the windows video file here. And to really find out what this holy guy is up to, you can read his press release right here.
The Seer of Yahweh claims to have brought down more than a 1500 UFO’s since 1979. And now a voice in his head (apparently, no ID has been given regarding whose voice it might be) has instructed the prophet to go public with his cosmic expertise. In this TV news clip he seems to summon something out of the clouds up there-- a glowing sphere which oddly darts about the sky, and is duly followed by the cameraman’s lens (and accompanied by appropriate “Hallelujah”s from the prophet). By the way, there is more "evidence" if you're interested. Like a few more lo-res videos of funny shapes zipping around the sky at the whim of the prophet-- available for download here, here, and here.
Want to know more? You might wanna give a listen to this MP3 of an interview with Prophet Yahweh from the other night. No
surprise, it’s from Art Bell’s overnight “Coast To Coast” radio show.
However, Art’s strictly on weekends now, so it’s George Noory (the
weekday host) here chatting with the prophet. And here is a windows audio file of a more extensive interview of Mr. Watkins on Clear Channel's WLW in Cincinnati, including information on the "Yahweh Federation Of Planets." (Who knew?)
It’s heady stuff. And who knows? Maybe Prophet Yahweh just has a few accomplices who are handy with the weather balloons, or perhaps it’s some kind of a massive fraudulent trick designed to stop the Luciferians. (I don't make this stuff up, I just link to it.) Or maybe there really is something more profound going on. Either way, I’m going to keep up with this story. And as usual, keep my lyin’ eyes on the sky.
if i were ramon, i wouldn't waste my amazing power to summon balloons out of thin air on a Las Vegas news conference. frankly, the money's in birthday parties, particularly if he can convince the balloons to tie themselves in funny animal shapes.
Posted by: dave | June 04, 2005 at 11:25 AM
Best part:
"Please show them I am not mentally ill like the people that are trying to kill me say I am."
Posted by: Rob S. | June 04, 2005 at 11:29 AM
Great story, Professor! I love this kind of stuff.
You're comment, "... I may have some good news for you. The saucers may finally be on the way, " is particularly interesting. The (what is generally believed to be) brief history of UFOs, as depicted in film, tv, and radio, has been less than flattering. Yet to me, like you, the idea of alien life forms visiting us here, on earth, sounds delightful!
Thanks for the all the related info on this story -- it should keep me busy for a while.
Posted by: Zach in Philly | June 04, 2005 at 08:07 PM
video link ain't workin! HELP. Please abduct me. I WANT TO BELIEVE!.
Posted by: squinchy | June 07, 2005 at 10:59 AM
Right click, and SAVE it somehow. SAVE IT!. Then watch.
Posted by: The Professor | June 08, 2005 at 02:34 AM
Wow, I'd would also be delighted if they landed. It would prove that intelligent life exists in this universe. Maybe we are better off in their hands. Hail the Giant Ants.
Posted by: Vicco | June 08, 2005 at 10:38 PM
I have seen this before and it's defently a real UFO the way it's flying zig zagging and things ohh yeah it's defently real because I have seen 12 Ufos before in a formation of a triangle and they were zig zagging the same way.
Posted by: Sirius | April 10, 2008 at 05:05 PM