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June 14, 2005



I still wonder how these things, or FMU's automatic W for example, can get all those soundbites arranged so that the operator can simply hit a button and get the one they want. It's one thing to get ANY random response but these thing aren't successful unless the operator can reply with an appropriate response. How can they do that without a large screen that displays all the possible responses, something this guy doesn't have on that little box (unless he has them on paper somewhere)?



Derek Erdman

I had them on a sheet of paper. Also, there was 4 banks of samples on the sampler, so I would have to switch between banks to find the proper response. After awhile I had them memorized, other times you can tell by a lag in time that I was looking for something appropriate. Plus, sometimes the responses didn't even make sense (wrong button)!

Jeff T

I think I'd have most of the machine memorized after a couple hours just out of personal usage.


Aha! The secret behind the magic. I thought it was done realy well (disregarding that her voice was so full of background noise; that should have cued the guys on the phone right away.) Sometimes these things aren't. The pauses worked fine. Bravo!


the awkward pauses & non sequitur responses are hilarious.

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