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June 03, 2005


ade gregg

Hey guys.. wanna hear some big band 78's restored by me , an expert in restoration and with golden ears to boot!!

hop on over to

i have some swinging rarities including the worlds earlist 78 in TRUE stereo,, hear it to belive it.. Ive cleaned it first and have a look, the world of 78's will never bee the same again..

I have been in and out of the 78 rpm collecting biz for about 50 years. Right now I have less than 100 discs, mostly jazz , blues , gospel,and country. I am forced by a computer class (yes, I am a 62 year old undergraduate) to keep a blog so I decided to dedicate it to recording technology over the years. I look forward to accessing your blog as a first reference point.
I am at
mark thiel


Check out this new (old) recording of Are You Honest by Cowboy Copas

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