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June 14, 2005



Yep, we have that in some Chicago neighborhoods too.


Seen this in places like Livingston and Millburn,NJ, can't speak for the power companies, but the phone company respects this stuff and techs are not to interfere, when a pole is replaced, so is that thing. At times, there would be boards and stuff nailed to poles(for directions/landmarks??), which was a safety concern to old fashioned climbing, which no one (in their right mind) does these days. Religion...I just don't get it.


I thought this was worth a story, so I told a reporter about it and she'd already written about it. Less than a month ago. I need to read the paper.


I checked out that Boston magazine article and the advertisement on the left hand side pictured a nice big, juicy red lobster. Oops! Someone better sprinkle some salt on a dead rabbit, turn around three times, and say "oh wah nah tah nah siam" - or the eruv will be totally contaminated!


Yeah, but I should say, I live "outside the wire" in Highland Park. In one of those places where the wire just won't go.


Well looky, looky. Mr. Starts & Stops himself reads the WFMU blog.

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