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July 27, 2005



Wow! Fantastic! Thanks so much for posting that. More talent than most of today's jocks put together. Wish we had someone like that now.


What was Frankie's album name? I would like to attempt to find/purchase it.


Carol Ann Avorgbedor-Laing

October 27, 2008

It's a sadness and a gladness to hear and now
to find out of Frankie's death.

I am eight years late, sad!

I am however glad that Frankie got his pins
in order and placed his life in The Matchless
Hands of Almighty God, so reported one website
that Mr. Crocker had become a "born-again"
Christian. If there is any truth in that,
God alone Knows and I am grateful to have
read such a report!

I will miss him. He's perhaps the originator
of "The Quiet Storm" radio format and now,
even stations owned by certain Afro-American
radio executives have begun to label their
late night programs the same name. How
un-original and lazy!

Glad I lived in the time of such a creative
man. He made the music industry for many of
the African Americans and Caribbean people

May God continue to keep him until we all meet.

carol ann

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