Hello, Everybody—nsya.
There’s lots of things I don’t have, money being probably the main thing because if I had some money I might get some of the other things I don’t have now. Then I would have those things, but I wouldn’t have the money any more.
One of the things I don’t have is an iPod Shuffle. But if you go to the web site that explains how to automatically fill up your Shuffle with your favorite corporate listening product, you will see that Bronwyn's device is copying a tune called “Tonight We Fly.” I wanted to hear what that song sounded like, so I googled it and found a reference to a group called Divine Comedy, but I couldn’t find any links to that song or any little samples of it. I did find a record company called Divine Comedy that has lots of stuff I think I’d really like to hear. Maybe we can get them to send some things to Program and Music Director King Brian at WFMU. But even if I did have some money, I don’t think I would trade it for an iPod Shuffle, because if I were listening to real music I might not be able to hear the songs that are always on in my head.
Thanks for reading my irregular blog entry, and MGB.
here you can find a preview of the song:
but I would only recommend the latest album. You can preview it at apples musicstore:
Posted by: christian | August 30, 2005 at 06:04 PM
Thanks, Listener christian. I listened to about 15 seconds of the preview and had to turn it off. I'm sure it would make Bronwyn C. homicidal.
Listener Janey
Posted by: Janey Yonkers | August 30, 2005 at 06:49 PM
I absolutly agree on that. "tonight we fly" is pretty shitty. but you should give "my imaginary friend" a chance. its quite naive too but weird enough to be almost good.
Posted by: christian | August 31, 2005 at 08:44 AM
thedivinecomedy.com is first up on Google.
Divine Conmedy is Neil hannon, he's irish and had a minor UK hit with the quirky 'Something for the Weekend' ometime in the 90's. My girlfriend had the CD with that track, Casanova and on the strength of that I bought her the 'Fin de Siecle' CD. Not my kinda music. Maybe not Bronwyn's either!
Shuffle-free D
Posted by: derek | September 23, 2005 at 01:20 PM