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August 10, 2005



The link to
"Good Morning, Mr. Gray"
is wrong. This is the correct one, I think:


Thanks, Mon - Somewhere I've got a Pearl Williams LP, perhaps the one you mentioned; used to play it on my show back in thet days before "euphemistic" language was completely outlawed.

Allen Gabrielsen

anyone know where i can buy a pearl williams cd titled a trip around the world isnt a cruise?

Arlin Weingold

A friend and I were discussing seeing Pearl William perform at a bar/nightclub in the Jerome Avenue/north of Fordham Road vicinity back in the 1950's. Do you or anyone else know the name of the bar? My friend thinks is the Burma Bar, but it doesn't ring a bell for me.
Pearl was raunchy but quite talented and was sort of the Bronx's Belle Barth.

Will Truth

Back in the late 70's/early 80's I lived on Miami Beach and Pearl when Pearl was a regular at the Place Pigalle, just the marquees at that place were a hoot, photos of the strippers and Pearl, all taken in their more youthful days.
They used to have a little ad in the Miami Herald and it always featured "Pearl Williams, the Queen of Risque Comedy" or "Pearl Williams, the Gal that Shocked Las Vegas!"
It was such a camp, one night a friend and I went to see her perform, we waited an hour or so, the management told us they weren't sure if she was coming in that night, guess by this time she just kinda showed up if she was in the
Well, after another hour of waiting it was pretty obvious she wasn't in the mood so I never did get to see her.

Jim McCloskey

A friend of mine had a Pearl Willaims album when we were in high school in the late 60's that we really loved, so when I was in FL visiting my parents and saw the ad for the Place Pigalle, I couldn't belive it! I told my wife we have to go, so we all piled in the car and went over to Collins Ave where she was performing and had a blast. This was ealry 80's, ans she was preceded by TT Red, an exotic dancer, and a comedian who clamed he was half Japanese and half Korean and called himself Kojap. She was a great storyteller and we went top see hear again the following 2 winter visits, it was always a fun night out. We even dragged my 75 year old father one year. I'm sorry the last post didnt get to see her perform. It was adult humer, but nothing by today's standards. If anyone wants a CD, I digitized a few of her albums and can send a copy free, a few pops and a scratch here ans there, but otherwise descent condition.

Robert Simon

Oh my g-d I would love to get a cd ! I am a 45 year old professional rock and roll guitarist, my mother and father were Holocaust survivors. I remember finding some of there old party records in Chicago whyen I was 10 or 11 years old. YOY did we laugh


I have not heard any of this stuff in forever! It has been a while. I was talking to my bellevue plumber the other day and he was telling me about a party that he went to. They were playing a lot of the songs that you have listed here. I will have to start planning a party for this coming weekend.


For what it's worth (which ain't much, I know), here's what "glusenshpiegelbaster" is: "groysn shpigl, veyst ir" ("big mirror, you know"). So: "For that I need a big mirror, you know." I.e., to see her lady parts.


Thank you for the amazing share !!! Great stuff :)

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