In the interest of fair play and a balanced diet, which are not interesting at all, we're following up last week's This Week in Sex, a delicious array of meat, with this week's This Week in Sex, a skimpy side of veg. Enjoy. But you won't enjoy it as much as the meat.
Sex advice from vegans compiled by Nerve. A big topic of discussion: is swallowing semen strictly vegan? My theory: as long as you don't kill the guy to get the semen, it's fine.
Eat me. And by "me" I mean vegetarian foods that are aphrodisiacs. Or dirty baked goods. While you ponder this: Do you think handing out vagina-shaped candy might actually be a publicity stunt?
Drink me. Make your own beer cozy sex toy. [thanks Daniel Robinson]
The Vegan Vixen Show asks the age-old question, "What happens when a bunch of sexy vegan girls get together?" The age-old answer, "A TV show no one wants to watch." Producer Sky Valencia says "We wanted to appeal to the male audience, the hunters, the dogfighters, the burger eaters - you know, the guys who love Stuff and Low Rider magazine as well as Jack Ass and Howard Stern." You know what appeals to those guys? In a word, meat. And dog fights, but that's two words. (Apparently dog fights are big part of he-man culture.)
Vegetarian personals. The best part is being able to call up a map of everyone on the site. Perfect for vegetarian stalkers.
Tree huggers. I already wrote about these eco-porn people, and I still think they're stupid. The words eco-porn make me want to club a seal.
Vegetarian Radio. The words vegetarian radio make me want to club the seal next to that eco-porn seal.
Put down the gun. Oh, that's not a gun? DC Comics told an art gallery and a website to stop showing paintings of Batman and Robin being gay. Which they are.
I mean not. Totally are not. Don't send me a cease and desist letter. (But they do make a nice couple.)
It's the end of the world. No, wait, in Malta they have come to realize "it is not the end of the world if one admits to browsing explicit sites on the Internet or buying sex toys." They have their own Maltese sex store, which is pretty much the same as other sex stores, but smarter, because it has the disclaimer,"These products are not intended for use by mindless morons." This would effectively kill a business in the U.S., where all products are intended for use by mindless morons. Go Malta!
[Yes, I know those last couple got a little off-topic. Don't send me a cease and desist letter.]
Next week: Monkeys!
That Daily News article infers that vegetarians eat fish but vegans don't. Doh!
Posted by: Krys O. | August 26, 2005 at 02:49 PM