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September 01, 2005


Brian Turner

Bravo Wm!
The Badkar III CD was reissued recently, available at forced exposure, and is also wonderful.

If anyone ever happens upon a copy of Vas Deferens Organizations' Sweat Your Cheeses But Not In My Salad CD, they have a pretty great expansion on the NWW list that have a lot more records they feel to be part of the pantheon.


hmmm, will the evil audiscrobbler recognize these when I play them and add them to the quasi-Jack lastfm stream that has become a recent obsession?



I just ordered the Chillum CD from Wayside, See For Miles did it. Don't know if it's new to cd, but it's a NWW list item I've been looking for for a while


Listener Colin

Thanks so much for doing this!

Ron D

What can i say?? WOW!!!


The BLOG server must be near melt-down by downloads. Grrrrrrreat work!


Horray! This is really cheering me up. Whatta fkin great CD I will burn with this. thanks, wm!

Sean Powley

Having been prompted by mention above, have just dug out my copy of Pete Shelley's SkyYen lp, whic cost me a maximum of 50 pence many years ago from record+tape exchange in notting hill. Smug? You betcha.


excellent post...never believed anyone would have the records to do fact, always kinda believed that at least a few of these bands were invented (perhaps they still are, in which case - even more excellent! i always tend to prefer invented bands anyhow)


Thank You Thank you, I have just bought everything on the Thules NWW list that Wayside had in stock, now I get to hear some of the hard to find stuff.Please hurry up with part 2 I just can't get enough of this stuff.


very nice. thank you very much.

oh yeah, SKy Yen was a great record too.


Thanks for the excellent NWW list post, looking forward to part 2


I salute you, Mr. Berger.


Yes, your Audioscrobbler plugin is going to recognise and submit them to your profile but no, it won't add them to radio because that's just not how it works: ripping actual audio for playback on the radio system is all done by the staff, and I don't see them adding this kind of thing any time soon given its rarity. Perhaps if you put in a request via their forums or email, and pointed them here they'd track CDs down from the linked record labels, but it's a long shot.

Colin Hayes


Great NWW list feature! More samples please!

BUT : Is Bernard Vitet actually on the NWW list? I don't see him....

Best Wishes



Re: Bernard Vitet - La Guepe

Based on the label (Futura), and his later involvement with Birgé and Gorgé, Vitet was a natural for the NWW List; I never even questioned it. But you're right, he's not on there!


For those who haven't found it yet,
please see my website
for more info on the NWW List

Erik nurse

Thank you for the link.

Amoeba Music

Nurse With Wound live at Amoeba Hollywood:

From April 5th, 2007.

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