Receive 3 FREE iTunes music downloads when you sign up to be contacted by the Army National Guard!
__ Yes, I understand that the Army National Guard will send me information about great new Army National Guard benefits! I also understand that I will be contacted by a recruiter, and that's OK with me!
AlterNet blogger Evan Derkacz has this to say:
Who needs obsolete platitudes like Freedom and Security when you can get free mp3s for letting the National Guard contact you? I mean, it's not like they're just free all over the internet or available for $.99 each at the itunes store or anything...
What I want to know is, if your parents opt you out of the creepy provision in the No Child Left Behind Act that permits the armed forces to access students' records, can a student then override this by signing up for $2.97 worth of Kelly Clarkson singles?
Funny, I had my students analyze this ad, which was up on a bulletin board in our classroom this past semester when we were going over audience. I didn't even know what the ad was for when I pointed at it; I just saw what was supposed to be "happenin'" college kids and figured it'd work as an example.
Posted by: - k. | January 09, 2006 at 07:34 PM