UbuWeb is back. After a summer of rebuilding, the site is back with thousands of avant-garde MP3s and is chockfull of new content including:
Music With Roots in the Aether: A seminal series of interviews and performances concieved and realized by Robert Ashley in 1976, consisting of 14 hours worth of video and audio. Subjects and performers include: David Behrman, Philip Glass, Alvin Lucier, Gordon Mumma, Pauline Oliveros, Terry Riley, and Robert Ashley. Robert Ashley says: Music with Roots in the Aether is a series of interviews with seven composers who seemed to me when I conceived the piece-and who still seem to me twenty-five years later-to be among the most important, influential and active members of the so-called avant-garde movement in American music, a movement that had its origins in the work of and in the stories about composers who started hearing things in a new way at least fifty years ago."
The Charlotte Moorman Archive: UbuWeb is proud to host the audio archive of Charlotte Moorman (1933-1991), containing hours worth of unreleased works and collaborations by Nam June Paik, John, Cage, Earle Brown, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Terry Jennings, Toshi Ichiyanagi, Jackson Mac Low, David Behrman, La Monte Young, Sylvano Bussoti, George Brecht, Dick Higgins, Giuseppe Chiari and others. The selection is curated by Stephen Vitiello, with special thanks to Barbara Moore / Bound & Unbound.
People Like Us: The Complete Recordings 1992-2005 UbuWeb now hosts the complete works of the UK-based People Like Us. The brainchild of Vicki Bennett, these hundreds of MP3s feature solo works and collaborations with Matmos, Negativland, Wobbly, The Evolution Control Committee, Ergo Phizmiz, Irene Moon, The Jet Black Hair People, Xper. Xr., Messer Chups, Kenny G and Tipsy.
Christof Migone: Montréal-based Migone is a multidisciplinary artist and writer. His work and research delves into language, voice, bodies, psychopathology, performance, video, intimacy, complicity and endurance. UbuWeb is pleased to present an audio retrospective of Migone's work, both solo and with collaborators. Also featured here are numerous writings by Migone, including a book-length work, La première phrase et le dernier mot, which is comprised of the first sentence and the last word of every book in Migone's library.
Glenn Gould "Radio Broadcasts and Radio Plays, 1967-1981", MP3
Walter De Maria "Cricket Music / Ocean Music" (1964/1968) MP3
Furious Pig "I Don't Like Your Face" (1980) MP3
Michael Snow "Sinoms" (1989) MP3
Derek Beaulieu "an afterword after words: notes towards a concrete poetic" (PDF)
Öyvind Fahlström "Manipulate The World!" (1963) and "The Holy Torsten Nilsson" (1966) MP3
Yoshi Wada "Lament For The Rise And Fall Of The Elephantine Crocodile" (1982) MP3
Lasry-Baschet Chronophagie "The Time Eaters" (mid-1960s) MP3
Mairead Byrne "Some Differences Between Poetry & Stand-up Comedy", 2004 (PDF)
Carlfriedrich Claus "Lautaggregat" (1995) MP3
Morton Feldman "Selections from the Feldman Archive at SUNY-Buffalo" (MP3)
Herbert Huncke "From Dream to Dream", 1994 (MP3)
Guy Debord "Le manque d'un avenir nécessaire" (lecture on Surrealism), 1957 (MP3)
Marshall McLuhan - Dick Cavett Appearance, 1970 (MP3)
Dan Graham / The Static (Glenn Branca, etc.) Live at Riverside Studios, London, 1979 (MP3)
Simply amazing. Ubuweb is one of the rare web resources (right along side archive.org I'd say) that reminds us all just how cool the internet is.
Posted by: Jeff T | September 14, 2005 at 11:39 PM
Thanks Kenny; I hadn't looked at UbuWeb for a long while. So much stuff...I need a 9-day week to listen to it all. Terry Jennings! Walter DeMaria! Yoshi Wada! Feldman! ...and you gotta love that Furious Pig.
Posted by: WmMBerger | September 15, 2005 at 09:47 AM
The entire music food chain are in immediate danger of being marginalized out of our business. The world of outmoded ideas, that's where I belong.
Posted by: vanjulio | September 15, 2005 at 10:23 AM
Thank you ubu. Life has meaning. Or at least it seems a bit more interesting with you in it. We need more endeavors like this....
Posted by: norelpref | September 15, 2005 at 10:36 AM
wtf? who cares about ubuweb. we want more of your fuzzy ass on display.
Posted by: fuzzybiterlicker | September 15, 2005 at 08:40 PM
"wtf? who cares about ubuweb. we want more of your fuzzy ass on display"
Kenny G is not just a fuzzy ass that fills the masses masturbatory needs! He also has facial hair and contains almost the ideal amount of pretentiousness!
Posted by: Ed Word | September 16, 2005 at 01:47 AM
damn! Have you ever noticed that Beckett looks a lot like Jaap Blonk?
Posted by: ginny | September 16, 2005 at 06:28 PM