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September 14, 2005


Jeff T

Simply amazing. Ubuweb is one of the rare web resources (right along side I'd say) that reminds us all just how cool the internet is.


Thanks Kenny; I hadn't looked at UbuWeb for a long while. So much stuff...I need a 9-day week to listen to it all. Terry Jennings! Walter DeMaria! Yoshi Wada! Feldman! ...and you gotta love that Furious Pig.


The entire music food chain are in immediate danger of being marginalized out of our business. The world of outmoded ideas, that's where I belong.


Thank you ubu. Life has meaning. Or at least it seems a bit more interesting with you in it. We need more endeavors like this....


wtf? who cares about ubuweb. we want more of your fuzzy ass on display.

Ed Word

"wtf? who cares about ubuweb. we want more of your fuzzy ass on display"

Kenny G is not just a fuzzy ass that fills the masses masturbatory needs! He also has facial hair and contains almost the ideal amount of pretentiousness!


damn! Have you ever noticed that Beckett looks a lot like Jaap Blonk?

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