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September 14, 2005


MacDonald Daniel

Wait a minute. Shouldn't Elijah play Ian and Jude play Iggy? Hollywoood. Bah!


really? elijah wood as Iggy Pop? that's just sad.

Ian Glendinning

No Sousaphone in the Barrett / Floyd video.
Euphonium, Trombone and Trumpet (Oh and a Kazoo I'd say) :-)
You can actually hear the brass tones too, just low in the mix.

Clearly it's two (or more) filming sessions spliced together, its Rick and Roger (and maybe one other) playing the brass, and there are no quick instrument changes from the other sections where they're playing bass and keyboards - thought at one point you see Rick lay the trombone down, and at another you see Roger standing holding the Euphonium in the background.

Anyway, interesting little piece of history. Thanks for sharing it.


I believe all the Joy Divsion tv appearances, early videos, grainy hand-held concert footage, etc., is being organized for a near-future DVD release.

I would prefer to see a cast of unknown early 20-somethings play JD in Anton Corbijn's "Control" (not unlike the relative unknowns in "24 Hour Party People").

Bill W

I've read Jude Law's denials that he's playing Curtis; he says he's only a co-producer of the film.

Kenny in Baltimore

Is it going to be a buddy picture? Ian and Iggy battling Nazi's. They'll have to work in some kind of car chase. So they can wreck a bunch a fruit stands in Trafalger Square. Who will be the girl who comes between them! Who will be the comic relief? Bernie Mac? Tom Arnold? And if this is a true Hollywood picture they all ready have a sequel...New Order.


I'm just wandering the internet looking for info on Sun Ra covering Pink Elephants - but it just so happens I'm also a crazed Syd Barrett fan (no pun intended), and while I havn't seen the video yet (downloading it now) I know for a fact the Salvation Army Band is playing on the studio version of Jugband Blues, with the specific instrucitons from Syd to play "whatever they wanted". I'm guessing the video director must have had the band mime the parts for the video.....

okay, I watched the movie. Damn was that creepy - sixties cheesiness aside. I've never seen a live film of Syd playing before, it's weird. I've heard there are several mixes different of the song from the album, (featured on bootlegs, OOP collection LPs, foreign releases and the mono lp), I think it might be from one of them. It seems like Syd is lip syncing (could they have just dubbed Syd, and the rest of the band was live?). Hm... nice to finally see it, I've read about the movie a few times. There's also one of Arnold Layne I've never seen...


Yeah, Jude Law is not playing Curtis

the Elijah Wood thing is a joke... I hope.

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