Because the now-defunct Aerial View somehow made it into a directory of talk radio shows, I'm constantly getting e-mail from PR firms about stupid shit like this:
* Are you a man who places Great Value on his free time?
**Are you tired of going to lounges/clubs and having to compete with
trust fund kids and starving actors for the attractive, intelligent
women that really want to meet YOU?
*** What is a list of new business contacts and new friends worth to you?
As a man who works 70+ hours a week on Wall St,and who answered YES to
the above question, I created Creme de la Femme for men like us. It is
a new and exciting organization that is dedicated to bringing NY's
elite together. Every other month, we hold parties at some of NYC's
best lounges and clubs, where our network of doctors, bankers, lawyers
and entrepreneurs get to meet pre-selected models, actresses and other
attractive and dynamic women in a non club-like setting. We are NOT a
dating service, but rather, a networking service, where our proprietary
database enables our members to attend our events and potentially meet
new friends or business contacts and yes, even a "significant other."
In short, we are the perfect meeting place for successful men (ages
25-45) who don't have the time to go out to clubs and bars 5 nights a
week and want to use their free time to meet the most attractive and
friendly women in NYC.
If this is something that interests you, please respond back with a
bit of information about you and a photo or 2, as we pride ourselves on
pre-selecting ALL members, not just our beautiful women. All
information will be kept in the strictest confidence, and further
information will be sent upon receipt.
Is your skin crawling yet? Speaking of which, Creme de la Femme sounds like a feminine hygiene product, no? LATE BREAKING NEWS: It IS a feminine hygiene product! Perhaps you can come up with a better name for a service that hooks "successful men" up with "attractive and friendly women"?
bingo, chris!
Posted by: nonny | October 21, 2005 at 01:50 PM
Chris, there has indeed been a product for ladies called Creme de la Femme. At my prior workplace, I got junkmail destined for the editors of the psych journals I edited and typeset. One day I received a few pages on a revolutionary female-lubrication enhancer called, yes, Creme de la Femme. I don't know if this product ever caught on, and the idea of Googling it unnerves me, but the most disturbing thing was that the junkmail was addressed to the editor of a child psychology journal. Yergh!
Posted by: Listener James from Westwood | October 21, 2005 at 01:52 PM
Nonny, that's the product for which I got the ad! We posted like 2 minutes apart — congrats on finding it!!
Posted by: Listener James from Westwood | October 21, 2005 at 01:57 PM
We have a few "services" like that here in Orange County, CA. My favorite is called "Model Quality Introductions", and I hope you'll like this description of the place.
"Creme de la Femme" is so much better, though.
Posted by: substitute | October 21, 2005 at 02:40 PM
I just thought of a great name for an "introduction service" that would hook the criminally insane up with loose women: "Nuts for Sluts".
Posted by: Chris T. | October 21, 2005 at 05:16 PM