Here's a fairly gigantic video clip of Prince lip-synching on American Bandstand in early 1980, after the release of his second LP Prince (mpg file, 94mb!). The lip-synching, crotch grabbing and dancing are all well and good (and impermissible in today's broadcast environment), but the best parts are Dick Clark's attempted interviews with His Majesty. Prince exudes total indifference to Clark and to this, his first big national moment.
related: prince has to get his hip replaced
(basketball in high heels did my grandma's hips in, too)
Posted by: Jim | October 18, 2005 at 02:10 PM
The proper form of address for a prince is "your highness", not "your majesty."
Posted by: Becky | October 20, 2005 at 11:18 AM
Y did he say hes 19, he was born in 58. Funny as shit tho
Posted by: P funk | November 15, 2005 at 06:07 PM
I recall watching Prince & The Revolution lip-synching "Little Red Corvette" on Solid Gold back in the day.
Posted by: walkathon | February 04, 2006 at 08:08 PM
I play the recorder blowing through my nose
Posted by: John Fashanu | February 05, 2006 at 03:29 PM
This is truly priceless! I saw this clip as a kid 12 yrs old - amazing to see it after all these years - Prince was so cocky and young -now i feel old!
Posted by: cabeef | June 14, 2007 at 02:07 AM
My dance partner and I were on American Bandstand when Prince was on there and I Had no Clue why all the girls (and guys) were all screaming over this little guy , and then Mr Clarlk tried to ask him Quistions and he bearly talked.... but I do like his music... and I am looking for vedios to show my kids I was on there just 6 weeks but on the show... had a blast ...
Posted by: Elsa (Hernandez) Queen | April 06, 2008 at 09:36 PM
wow no way he's not indifferent... he's excited, and hyper nervous!! holee crap he's nervous! lol it's funny. ;) He does seem to act a bit full of himself in some ways but young guys often act that way. he's probably thinking something like, "wow I can't believe I'm actually here. do I really deserve this? I don't think I deserve this..." combined with, "Here I am at an earlier age than anybody else. I must be amazing... I AM amazing!" lol it's great how during the interview, he held up 4 fingers to answer one of Dick's questions - I think he was too shy and embarrassed to even muster up a voice to speak with. lol
Posted by: DaBun | October 07, 2009 at 04:37 AM