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October 27, 2005



Is that a bra he's sitting atop?


The album cover has a sub-headline: "Laugh along with Nixon" -- and it says this thing uses the actual voices of JFK, Nixon and Ike. The six tracks you posted are totally JFK. So what's the deal with the deal with the Nixon material? No accordians, so you figured your listeners wouldn't be interested?

By the way, folks, after listening to "The Trumpet," I think I can safely state that had JFK not met his untimely demise, he might have given Rodd Keith a run for his money as the King of the Song-Poem Singers.

waylon solos

side b has a nixon speech with overdubbed laugh track. not really as good as side a.


Nixon and Ike were on the B-side of the original LP. The Nixon track presents his bitter, self-pitying rant ("You won't have Nixon to kick around anymore") following his loss to Jerry Brown for governor of California with a TV-style laugh track. The IKE excerpt is the most looney and surreal item on the album. Eisenhower giving a speech with the ambient sound of a bowling alley behind him.

Johnny Z

I have a copy of the original album, it was my dads and he was a huge fan of JFK.

Is there any value to such a rare recording?

Junichi Miyaji

Dear sir, I am looking for a person who owns master rights of SING ALONG WITH JFK."Let us begin beguine" was a smash hit in Japan in 1964.I would like to release CD of SING ALONG WITH JFK here in Japan. Any information will be very much appreciated. Best regards, Junichi Miyaji

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