Jesus, what's up Internet? I know you go through your phases, but what's with this white-ladies-of-the-American-south-flipping-their-lids kick you've been on lately? What? You've always been obsessed by them?! Hmmm... so you have. And it's not just you? I guess you're right. Well, TV may have started it, but you've gotta admit you're sort of harvesting them.
Margaret Perrin She's the one that seems to have started all this. Click to view a gag-reel of her show-saving turn on Fox's "Trading Spouses". (Oh please, no booing, you're better than that!) Margaret is what you might call a "Good Christian Woman from Louisiana". You are what Margaret would call a "Gargoyle from the dark side".
Parking Lot Pariah (NSFW): And over here we've got the potty-mouthed secular (also southern) version of Mrs. Perrin. (both of these vids via

"You should've asked me nicely, Mom" (link to clean Realaudio version, or download the totally choad-licking obscene mp3). This is some unhinged Mom (from the south) and her dickwad 16-yr old kid, which I found on The Internet someplace. She started screaming at him to let her use his car, so he turned on his webcam. You only need to hear the audio. I hear some of our DJs have tried this tactic, only to fail when the parental ass-whupping commenced.
Speaking of parental ass-whuppings, here's a thing someone wrote back in 1998, and it's all about being a mom and raging at your kid - way back in 1998! What's more, she says all mothers got rage -- so this kinda thing's been going on since 1998, and The
Internet is just now catching on? Shame on you Internet! Tho I grant, it's not really your territory until it becomes porn -- hey, what's that?! A site that fetishizes that movie "Locked Up: A Mothers Rage" starring Cheryl Ladd as a raging mom who smokes cigarettes!! (For what it's worth, here's Realaudio of my kid Lila flipping the tables and raging at her mother, accompanied by Nurse With Wound.)
Of course, one need not be an actual mother to be in possession of Mother Rage; no, mother rage makes plenty of allowance for human complexity. We celebrate (flip) now with two versions of the "Dyketactic" classic from Kathy Fire, "Mother Rage".