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November 02, 2005


Dave the Spazz

So far no one's mentioned that the music for the cartoon handjob is courtesy of dead Ernest Tubb!

OK, I have to go take a shower now...

The Professor

You know, I think Mike is just rubbing W's gun there. Although there is a reasonable analogy to make between that act and good old cartoon sex.

Is everybody else in New York City getting these soliciting calls from the Bloomberg campaign? I've gotten at least four so far. And their showing up on the caller ID box as 212-000-0000 and 000-000-0000. Who else but a REALLY rich guy could get caller ID numbers like that?

I have discovered that if you curse at his phone flunkies they do say "thank you."


I actually do think Freddy is more like me than Bloomberg. That's because I think Bloomberg is just a republican errand boy with deep pockets. Rove/Cheney says jump, he says 'how high'? whatta beyotch. He is beneath contempt, and I predict any democrat voting for him will be slapping their forehead 1-2 years from now and saying to themselves, "WHAT was I THINKING?" here's 3 reasons to not vote for him
1--Bloomberg refused to answer any questions from the 9/11 commission and
has " fought hard to keep the public from seeing those oral histories or
hearing the tapes of FDNY dispatch radio. Only a lawsuit by The New York
Times (how ironic!) and several victims' families (who also unsuccessfully
sought to have emergency 911 call tapes released) forced their disclosure.",murphy,68951,5.html

2--Bloomberg on the Iraq war: "it's not a local issue and I don't have
anything to say."

3--Bloombux: "I'm voting for George W. Bush and it's mainly because I
think we have to strike back at terrorists. To argue that Saddam Hussein
wasn't a terrorist is ridiculous. He used mustard gas or some kind of gas
against his own people.",barrett1,68949,5.html Asked if Bush
was "dishonest" about weapons of mass destruction, Bloomberg said: "I
have any idea."

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