Jesus, what's up Internet? I know you go through your phases, but what's with this white-ladies-of-the-American-south-flipping-their-lids kick you've been on lately? What? You've always been obsessed by them?! Hmmm... so you have. And it's not just you? I guess you're right. Well, TV may have started it, but you've gotta admit you're sort of harvesting them.
Margaret Perrin She's the one that seems to have started all this. Click to view a gag-reel of her show-saving turn on Fox's "Trading Spouses". (Oh please, no booing, you're better than that!) Margaret is what you might call a "Good Christian Woman from Louisiana". You are what Margaret would call a "Gargoyle from the dark side".
Parking Lot Pariah (NSFW): And over here we've got the potty-mouthed secular (also southern) version of Mrs. Perrin. (both of these vids via
"You should've asked me nicely, Mom" (link to clean Realaudio version, or download the totally choad-licking obscene mp3). This is some unhinged Mom (from the south) and her dickwad 16-yr old kid, which I found on The Internet someplace. She started screaming at him to let her use his car, so he turned on his webcam. You only need to hear the audio. I hear some of our DJs have tried this tactic, only to fail when the parental ass-whupping commenced.
Speaking of parental ass-whuppings, here's a thing someone wrote back in 1998, and it's all about being a mom and raging at your kid - way back in 1998! What's more, she says all mothers got rage -- so this kinda thing's been going on since 1998, and The Internet is just now catching on? Shame on you Internet! Tho I grant, it's not really your territory until it becomes porn -- hey, what's that?! A site that fetishizes that movie "Locked Up: A Mothers Rage" starring Cheryl Ladd as a raging mom who smokes cigarettes!! (For what it's worth, here's Realaudio of my kid Lila flipping the tables and raging at her mother, accompanied by Nurse With Wound.)
Of course, one need not be an actual mother to be in possession of Mother Rage; no, mother rage makes plenty of allowance for human complexity. We celebrate (flip) now with two versions of the "Dyketactic" classic from Kathy Fire, "Mother Rage".
Michelle Boule, "Mother Rage" (mp3) The Incorrect Music classic is tackled
by cohost Michelle herself, performing with the Hoof & Mouth Sinfonia
during WFMU's 2001 Marathon Finale
Kathy Fire, "Mother Rage" (link to an earlier post by Ken, compiling Irwin & Michelle's Incorrect Music premium CD for 2001).
By the way, there's a great 1978 article all about Ms. Fire right here. Her Folkways album "Songs of Fire" is a classic in the Lesbian Anarchist canon.
And finally, partake of the rage yourself. What the hell, we need more bad vibes, right?
Just to let you know, the Mom Unhinged....that doesn't sound like a southern accent at all, in fact, it sounds like a Canadian accent.
That is a GRUELING listen, that mp3, oh man.
Posted by: Mike | November 23, 2005 at 01:54 PM
Reminds me of my childhood before mom was on meds.
Posted by: isticon | November 23, 2005 at 02:07 PM
Hilarious!! Thanks Scott! Are there anymore mp3s from that kid, or did he get killed after that one? His parents are freaky.
Posted by: Arturo | November 23, 2005 at 03:24 PM
Thanks Arturo - alas, I don't know of other mp3s by that kid. I think that was a one-shot deal. And Mike's probably right, the mom's boyfriend sounds pretty Canadian - but I still think the mom sounds kinda Baltimore.
Posted by: Scott | November 23, 2005 at 03:32 PM
Yeah that mom unhinged was pretty intense. I wouldnt nescessarily call the kid a dickwad though. If anything he seemed to be just dealing with a really sad situation. Moms boyfriend asking him to lend her 50 bucks and all that. I must be getting old or something but this mp3 just made me feel Glass Menagerie kinda depressed..
Posted by: scott in tokyo | November 24, 2005 at 08:21 PM
I have to disagree with everyone's opinion on the accents/dialects of the screaming mom. I would say upper midwestern, perhaps northern Minnesota, Wisconsin or Michigan. In the backwoods ("the Sticks") of the fine state of Minnesota (where I wasted a large chunk of my youth), many people had the fine distinction of the hillbilly/Canadian/midwestern blend of dialect. I think it's particularly an upstate thing, and it still fascinates me. I also think that the mom really wasn't going back to work. I mean, really. How the hell did she get home in the first place (she was trying to borrow son's car to RETURN to work - she must have gotten home somehow), and why the hell would she need $50? Cab fare? Maybe she's a meth addict who needs her kids money for drugs, or maybe I just have a really active imagination..
Posted by: Heather | November 25, 2005 at 05:09 PM