By anybody's standard, 700,000 records sold is a huge success. By Brazilian standards, that's just incalculably enormous. 32 years ago, the Sao Paolo band Secos e Molhados ("Dry & Wet Goods") sold 700,000 copies of their eponymous debut record (shown, left), and still nobody outside Brazil knows who they were - not even WFMU. Let's start knowing.
Secos e Molhados "Sangue Latino" and "O Vira" (wmv movie, 18M)
The most important thing you can do for yourself today is watch this video, which ends on the frame you see to your right Go do that, then come back and I'll tell you more about them.
When I first heard the debut Secos & Molhados album, I endured several months of confusion trying to figure out who's the woman singing, and why isn't she on the album cover? Well sir, "she" is Ney Matogrosso, and he is indeed on the cover. No, he doesn't sound like a feminine guy, and he's not singing falsetto - he sings like a girl!! And it's totally beautiful, and these songs are mostly achingly sweet. The confusion lingered as I got hung up on the disconnect between the sound of the songs and the look of the total freaks who, it seems, are performing them. And then along came Wolmar. He's my fave dealer of Brazilian esoterica at the annual WFMU Record Fair, and he actually had some video footage - lots of it. And now the pieces are coming together. Go listen to some songs:
O Patrão nosso de cada dia (realaudio link)
O Vira (realaudio link)
Rosa de Hiroshima (realaudio link)
Jump the flip if you're interested in a little bit of history on the band (which is remarkably scarce in English).
Secos e Molhados was formed by this dude, João Ricardo (link is to his official site -- in Portuguese, natch). He's from Portugal, actually, and his father was a famous journalist, who even contributed some lyrics to the debut album.
João had the idea to form a band, and he definitely had a concept to go along with it - and that concept definitely seems to have involved a great deal of camp. But again, all the info's in Portuguese, so I'm guessing. João is the guy who continues to revive the name Secos E Molhados, although he's the only original member.
Around 1972, João met the utterly compelling Ney Matogrosso.Clearly, a look was coming together. Bear in mind, this was before (and completely remote from) the Rocky Horror Show, and Kiss hadn't happened yet. (Reportedly, Ney continues to maintain that Kiss stole their look wholesale from a full page Secos & Molhados ad in Billboard). These guys seemed to be developing out of an indigenous form of Brazilian camp that was totally removed even from British glam rock.
Ney Matogrosso (link to his official site), it must be told, is a massive star in Brazil. He struck out solo in 1975 and developed one of the more lasting stage shows in MPB. He did shed the makeup eventually, and I get the weird sense that he's currently on a level with Julio Iglesias - but I'm probably way off the mark here! He's still at it.
Gerson Conrad filled out the trio. He's the mystery man. He didn't have the high-profile career that the other guys had. At least according to the internet.
Speaking of the internet, here's some English translations of João's site, and a bit of history (good luck!) from the Brazilian Wikipedia
jesus fucking christ !!! ::
this time you break all the limits . . .
secos & molhados, even for a brazilian guy
it's hard, cool stuff !!!
Posted by: scalovik | November 10, 2005 at 08:40 AM
Secos e Molhados: TV appearances 1973-4 mp3s
Os Mutantes Live on TV mp3 set
Posted by: Audiosports | November 10, 2005 at 11:08 AM
Thanks for the links Audiosports! --Scott
Posted by: Scott | November 10, 2005 at 11:33 AM
that video is amazing.
Posted by: fatty jubbo | November 10, 2005 at 02:46 PM
great stuff! Their look probably owes something to images of Brazilian/Amazonian indigenous people. Gal Costa also wore an "indian" costume on the cover of the India album.
Posted by: dave | November 10, 2005 at 03:14 PM
Gal Costa's "India" album cover deserves a post all it's own! Front, back, gatefold, all of it! Jesus...
Posted by: Scott | November 10, 2005 at 05:19 PM
The video is cool, although I wish you would have posted in a mpeg format so that we could save it easier. Watching this guy dance around, it kind of reminded me of MANGO from that Saturday Night Live show. It seems that the gender-bending and glitter movement even went on down there in Brazil back then.
Posted by: lola | November 10, 2005 at 07:03 PM
Hey, gender-bending in Brazil is something way different from what we have in gringolandia. So was life as a pop music star in the 60s and 70s. Caetano Veloso's book, Tropical Truth, is essential if you are into this kind of thing.
Posted by: dave | November 11, 2005 at 12:00 AM
Cool. My college roomate had both that Secos e Molhados album and a solo (first?)Ney Matogrosso album that I checked out back in the early 70s. He spent a fair amount of his youth in Brazil. I taped acoustically (boom box near speakers) most of the Secos e Molhados album and just the jungle intro to the Ney Matogrosso years later and recently listened to them but it's somewhat lo-fi. I look forward to checking all this out.
Fond memories.
(The rest of the music he had was pretty straight, Eduardo Gudin, who else?... Chico y Caetano (Veloso) (Live) was pretty cool though - great bass & drum. I don't know where my tape of that went... If anybody knows of a copy, let me know.)
Posted by: John L | November 11, 2005 at 02:37 AM
Yes, Ney Matogrosso does believe that Kiss copied Secos e Molhados after seeing that Billboard ad. Ney also claims that, when the group performed in Mexico (a landmark in their career), he was contacted by an American promoter with an offer to take him to the United States. Ney believes that, since he refused, the guy who spoke to him eventually suggested the make-up idea to Kiss. Secos' first manager Moracy do Val goes even further: he states in no uncertain terms that Kiss "traveled from Los Angeles (sic) to Mexico to copy the make-up thing". This is quoted in a book about Ney Matogrosso. As a fan of both groups, I don't believe Kiss copied a Brazilian group they probably never heard about, but Brazilians are divided on that: Secos e Molhados fans say of course it's true and Kiss fans say of course it's NOT true (even though some Kiss fans say Ney is "lying" because he's "jealous" and all that rap and I don't think that is true either).
Posted by: Emilio | December 03, 2005 at 06:05 AM
Scott: Thanks so much for posting about the Secos & Molhados, and for the video from TV Tupi. Fantastic! I remember first seeing the group performing on TV in Brazil in 1972 or 1973. Although João Ricardo's Web site makes no mention of it, I am as certain as I can be that I saw the group perform 'O Vira' on Programa Silvio Santos (a Brazilian 1970s TV talent show in São Paulo with a large, young and noisy audience), and I certainly recall seeing them on TV Tupi and TV Globo before they really became famous, and many times thereafter. They were a blast.
Posted by: Fitzcarraldo | December 08, 2005 at 06:59 AM
Caros amigos da América do Norte.
Vcs acreditando ou não na história dos Secos não a muda de forma alguma. Vcs se acham os donos do mundo,mas os Secos & Molhados eram um grupo infinitamente melhor do que aquela banda idiota do Kiss, coisa pra doente mental que gosta de barulho.
Posted by: Roberto Sant'Anna | February 28, 2006 at 07:09 PM
Hi all
I have been listening to Ney Matogrosso for the past 10 years and he is in my opinion one of the GREATEST singer songwriters of ALL time.
Hes singing in Portuguese so his career outside of Brazil is limited.Hoever the guy makes a shitloada money in Brazil so does he care?Those who understand the words to his music see a view of brazilian Society written within his songs as well as listen to that smooth flawless voice.
He is definately NOT singing in Falsetto just the same way as Geddy Lee of Rush is not singing in Falsetto also.
Two rare voices that have a very similar quality.But both NOT Falsetto.
Posted by: Joseph Green | March 23, 2006 at 05:12 PM
Translation of Fitzcarraldos comments: "You guys believing or not believing the Secos version of events doesn't change anything. You guys think you rule the world, but Secos & Mulhados was a group that was infinitely better than that stupid band Kiss, which was a thing just for mental retards who have no taste."
While not neceesarily endorsing his comments, I do believe that S&M were a MUCH better band than Kiss. S&E were great!!!!
Posted by: krnewman | May 01, 2006 at 02:28 PM
Just to point that Mutantes has reunited again, instead without Rita and Liminha. If you want the mp3 just let me know (awesome!)
[ ]'s
Posted by: Daniel | June 14, 2006 at 02:01 AM
Hey, krnewman, they were Roberto Sant'Anna's comments, not mine! My post was in English - e menos grosseiro ;)
Posted by: Fitzcarraldo | July 03, 2006 at 02:17 AM
A verdade é que o pessoal do grupo Kinney foi ao México e copiou a imagem fantástica do grupo. Quem nos levou ao México (eu não fui, pois o João Ricardo contra Ney e Gerson, me traiu (eu que lancei, produzi e empresariei de uma forma revolucionária o grupo, levando-o a lotar o Maracanãzinho do Rio, com 30 mil pessoas dentro e mais de 30 mil do lado de fora, e depois lotando os principais ginásios do País.
Posted by: Moracy do val | December 16, 2006 at 04:52 PM
"Seco" also is slang for gay in Brasil, hence the "Secos e molhados".
Posted by: Pablo | February 08, 2008 at 01:42 AM
Posted by: Lediane Mendes dos Santos | December 05, 2008 at 08:51 AM
It's hopeless. Some of my fellow Brazilians will always believe that Kiss stole the make-up idea from Secos e Molhados. They don't realize they know only half of the story. Kiss first wore make-up in March 1973 at the Daisy. Secos e Molhados wore their classic make-up for the first time in June 1973, for their album cover photo session. Secos released their first album in August 1973. Kiss released its debut album in February 1974. Then Secos e Molhados performed in Mexico in March 1974 and that was when Ney Matogrosso was approached by two American managers with an offer to move to America and "make a heavier sound". How could these guys have anything to do with Kiss if the American band had already released its first album one month before and had been wearing make-up since March 1973?
As for "seco" being slang for gay in Brazil, I've never heard about that, but even if it's true, I assure you the group name has nothing to do with that. The group was founded by Joao Ricardo in 1971 and he's not gay. The bisexual image came later, when Ney Matogrosso joined the band.
It's amazing how myths are created and become stronger than truth.
Posted by: Emilio Pacheco | July 30, 2009 at 12:41 PM
"Seco" also is not slang for gay in Brasil! Stupid
Posted by: João Rebello | August 19, 2009 at 04:42 AM
Ney is not a songwriter,just a singer,João is the main composer,and the great gennius behind the band.Listen his first solo album "João Ricardo"(aka the pink album),of 1975,is one of the best all-time records from Brazil!
Posted by: Alexandre Torto | December 19, 2009 at 04:45 PM