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December 29, 2005



The new beastly number is supposedely 616. Apparently there were some errors reading the bit of scripture it came from. The good news is now we can have a number of the beast day every year! Yay!


The anti-christ website is AWESOME! First the masked Eagle Scout death's head on bat wings follows your mouse around, then it takes on a life of its own and begins to sing! Then I saw the notice in the corner: "This site used to be about real estate." What a jubilation.

Jeff Jotz

So I'm guessing that Iron Maiden's "Number of the Beast" will be played often by WFMU DJs in 2006, huh?

Lee Hartsfeld

News flash: "Mainline Protestants" and the Christian Right are two different groups. I thought most folks knew that, but apparently not. In fact, the UC of C is the most liberal Protestant denomination in America. I'd be extremely surprised if ANY members of that church voted for GWB.

But thanks for the very entertaining piece.



Lee: I'm aware of the distinction between Mainline Protestants and the Christian Right, though I was not aware of the UC of C's liberal reputation. I still believe that Bush got many Christian votes from non-hysterical non-Evangelicals, people that as a rule vote Republican regardless of the candidate. Did I state or even infer that those 2 groups were one and the same? Don't think so. Also included in that article were the United Methodists, another "Mainline" group, of which Bush is a member; I have to assume many United Methodists voted Republican in 2004, no?

Lee Hartsfeld

"Did I state or even infer that those 2 groups (mainline Protestants and the Christian Right) were one and the same?" Yes. You wrote: "If even mainline Protestants are backing away from Bush, you've got to know that times are hard in this whitest of White Houses." That very blanket statement very clearly describes mainline Protestants as conservative; why else would m.p.'s, as a group, support the President's ultra-conservative policies? And you were referring to m.p.'s as a whole; no qualifying words or phrases were used to indicate otherwise. Furthermore, you referred to the five denominations mentioned in the link as "some folks that likely helped to put the smirky frat boy into office for a second term." Not some folks within, not some members of--rather, "some folks that."

Let's put it another way. Just as there were United Methodists who voted for Bush (I'm sure GWB did, at least--unless he pulled the wrong handle or something), there were just as surely WFMU listeners who did, too. If I write at my blog, "If even WFMU listeners are backing away from Bush, you've got to know that times are hard in this whitest of White Houses," would you take that as blanket slander against your listeners? Of course you would. You wouldn't assume that I had meant only those members of your audience who voted for Shrub.


Lee Hartsfeld

I meant to type, "Why else would m.p.'s, as a group, normally be expected to support the President's ultra-conservative policies," since they aren't, in this case, supporting them. I'm a Presbyterian (U.S.A.) who voted against Bush not once, but twice.



Lee, I've certainly no wish to slander anyone who voted against the current administration; sorry if you were offended. Liberal Protestants do not have the voice or the power in this country that they had 30-50 years ago, and that's unfortunate.

The only Christians we ever seem to hear from (via mainstream media) are those riding the current wave of simplistic platitudes of God and Country; people who oppose Gay marriage and want to put the "Christ" back in Christmas.

I applaud all anti-Bush Christian Americans, just as I applaud all anti-Bush Republicans (there are a lot of them, more and more as time goes on.) Point taken; I'll be more careful to qualify future remarks.

"Religion and politics," as they say!

Lee Hartsfeld

William, thanks, and no personal offense taken. Maybe I'm being too sensitive, but BOTB does seem often to lump God-and-Country Christians (good description!) in with what I call the live-and-let-live variety. Maybe it's because of the mainstream media's relentless emphasis on the former. You're absolutely right--when Christians are mentioned on TV, we see either Pat Robertson followers or The Pope. I can understand why the general image of Christians isn't very positive. It's a very frustrating thing! I tell people I'm a Christian and I have to wonder if that will be interpreted as anti-evolution, anti-Gay, anti-science, and pro-rich. I submit there are many more of us than there are of them, but sensible Christians have been rendered almost invisible.


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