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December 28, 2005



More like the "He Fell" Tower, wouldn't ya say! *rim shot*

nh dave

My recent fav:
Redneck Surfing


How has that not found its way into a Nine Inch Nails video yet?


How tragic. He hesitates for so wonders if he would have chickened out, if not for the presence of the camera.

Rob Robertson

It doesn't look like he dies in the video. If you look closely, it appears that his legs are broken but his head is upright and he looks to be looking around while the police carry him off.


Please add the .wmv MIME Type in your htaccess file. Clicking on this in firefox just sends lots of text.


>How has that not found its way into a Nine Inch Nails video yet?

I was going to post a clever comment till I read that... can't be topped.. hehehehehe


The inserted text that appears at the beginning doesn't leave any doubt about his death...

"As if he had foreseen the horrible faith that awaited him, the unfortunate inventor hesitated for a long while before jumping in the void."


I worship the proprietors of WFMU as demigods for making this excellent material available for our enjoyment.




Even if he was moving a minute or so after hitting the ground, he could have died soon after. Back in 1912, even a simple fall with some internal bleeding could kill someone.

Kimberly Miguel

This is all bad ass u should make more please

emma and erin

IT WAS JUST A BIG COAT!!!!!!!!!!!! surely he should have practised off something smaller like his house first!


i was there a few weeks ago with my freind and apparently he died of a heart attack before he even reached the ground


what is this? this is so awsome!
is it true about the personne who could not move a minute after falling that he would die? well that is messed! well u should have more sights like this one around!


what is this? this is so awsome!
is it true about the personne who could not move a minute after falling that he would die? well that is messed! well u should have more sights like this one around!


what is this? this is so awsome!
is it true about the personne who could not move a minute after falling that he would die? well that is messed! well u should have more sights like this one around!


U guys r so funny, you should do another thing. Please emasil me back


Reverend Mykeru

"It doesn't look like he dies in the video. If you look closely, it appears that his legs are broken but his head is upright and he looks to be looking around while the police carry him off."


I believe the upright head you see is that of one of the people carrying Reichelt's body, probably holding him under the arms.

mc mitchie

I thought he would fly....
look at that porn tash!
if only red bull wasnt around in them days.

he must of been on LSD to do that


As God as my witness, I thought Austrian tailors could fly...


He dropped from the first level of the Tower which is about 180 feet high or about eighteen stories. No one survives that.

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