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December 03, 2005


Jackson West

Thanks for that link. My professor played this clip during a lecture in African-American Music History as an example of improvisation, rhythm and musical culture in contemporary West Africa and how it relates to music here in the states. I always wanted a copy of the recording.


Jackson, did you go to Macalester?

Bob Parkin


This is great. Being a stamp collector, I am going to forward this link to all my collecting cohorts.


Katya Oddio

This is the most requested song ever at Oddio Overplay. Shared this in 2003, because I love it so much. The CDs accompany a text book by Jeff Todd Tilton. Scanned the page. Will try to dig up the scan with info and link it here.

Katya Oddio

..ooOoo.. :: MORE INFO ON THIS TRACK :: ..ooOoo..

source: Worlds of Music by Jeff Todd Tilton

Katya Oddio

The info on this track has
been moved to this new location.
Enjoy! -katya


Just try this at work. Just try it. I dare you.


i heard this song in a world music class at uf where i met my wife. this song is v special to both of us. thanks for posting the song and links. it makes me wish i could work in the post office in ghana

karola riegler

Ken, this is really great! I know this is a old post, but I've listen to itthe first time today!
I'm as a photographer, would be interested in visulas too. there are some pictures what u could show us too? that would finalize the picture what I get, when I was listen to the sound.
thank you for sharing anyway!!!


I heard this on the CBC just lately. Sounds like Simon and Garfunkel's "Cecilia", but that was from 1970.


I remember this song from back in college... 2002!

When I heard it I showed my entire family and they loved it. My brother and I sometimes whistle the tune and harmony. It's been 10 years and we still haven't forgotten :)

Now if only I could find the Andean Pan Pipe music from that cd!

Borja Musica Gratis

Good song!

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