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January 16, 2006



The link to the Glenn Beck mp3 is broken. The correct one is here. Thanks for making these mostly disturbing slices of American culture available to lazy folks like me. (I even live in the "heartland/fly-over" state of Montana, and I have a shortwave receiver, but receiving shortwave stations still involves work.)


I know I plugged this site before in an earlier comment on one of these Adventures posts, and I hate to plug it again, but it directly addresses the question of what to listen to on shortwave and when, referenced above. The North American Shortwave Association, of which I am the webmaster, has a database of programs broadcast on shortwave available on our web site. You can click a button and get a list of programs that are on in the current hour, or you can select a type of program you're interested in and a day and get a list of programs of that type for your chosen day. There are other sites that have lists of stations that broadcast in English, and some of them are excellent, but I'm not aware of any other sites that go a step further and list the actual programs.

Another good source of information for people just getting into shortwave is the book "Passport to World Band Radio". They've got a lot of basic information about where to tune at what time of day, and a (much shorter than the NASWA listing) list of broadcasts and programs that are on at any given hour. (I have no connection with Passport, unlike with NASWA; I just think the book is a good resource for beginners.)

Also, in addition to early evening, late afternoons aren't a bad time to tune shortwave if you're near a radio. It's prime time in Europe, and a lot of the transmissions beamed there are audible here in North America.

I'd like to add that it pains me to see that photo at the top of the eviscerated innards of an RF-2200. :-) Thanks for these posts, Professor. I'm a dedicated WFMU listener and a dedicated shortwave hobbyist, and I get a real kick out of these.


I always thought it would be nice to have an app where you could customize your own "radio" (or even tv) feed cobbled together from all the disparate streaming services on the net. Basically a scheduling app that tunes in to different streams at different times when there's a show on you want to hear. Putting together your own channel like that--i.e. searching out interesting programming--would come as close to DXing as webcasting could get. For me, anyway.

Would an app like that appeal to anyone else?


Paul, have you ever seen Audio Hijack, from Rogue Amoeba? It might be just what you're looking for. You can schedule audio from local live sources, distant internet streams, prerecorded files, computer generated voices, etc - and you can have it output live or recorded for later listening at your leisure. Audio Hijack Pro lets you additionally process the audio in any way you like - equalizers, bandpass filters, stereo expanders, compressors, limiters, etc.

(I don't work for them, just a satisfied customer.)

As much as I like shortwave, FWIW, it can't compete with the variety of satellite radio. I have both services, and the content is similar, but the best receiver is from XM, hands down - I can set it to record any channel at any time, and listen to the recordings whenever I get a chance. (I find my MyFi radio even holds much more than the advertised five hours.)


Oh, I forgot to add:
In conjunction with the aforementioned Audio Hijack:
Try for schedules.

If you want a fancier/more expensive solution that integrates a guide with a recording program, try - they have an annual fee however.

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