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January 07, 2006



This is awesomely bad.
"How can I be sure you're not pretender?"


Well, there's an example of herd mentality at its worst.


If that Studebaker is actually going into outer space he should probably button his shirt and put the top up.


I've seen that before and was told one of the guys in the video is Michel Gondry.


Whooa...Easy now. This is serious stuff you are messing with! :-) Danny is doing his 40 years in musicbusiness tour this year...a career which he started as a teenidol (bestselling artist in -68) and ending someday as...well see for yourselves at his homepage.

Armi was a 18-years old Miss Finland in -77 when they recorded the song on the videoclip "Tahdon olla sulle hellä". It became a huge hit selling over 100 000 copies in Finland. The english version was sold to 16 countries.
They made several records together and toured untill 1996 when Armi jumped off. She had serious problems with alcohol. 2.1.2002 Armi died at her home. It was a known secret that despite his marriage, Danny had an longlasting affair with Armi.


A genuinely awful choreography. However, for all his sins I cannot connect Mr Milosevic to this video, which looks like it was been made in the late '60s/early '70s, at which time Sloba was in Belgrade.

As far as I know, he never had anything to do with either Finland or music/TV or any other form of art for that matter.

Adam Garth

I found this video by accident while doing a Google search and now I'm totally hooked on it. I think I've watched it 8 times in the last three days, and I had the song stuck in my head this weekend.

To me, Armi & Danny have the skills to pay the bills. Oh, and my wife suggested I play it tonight because it's so cheerful.

Did Slobodan REALLY choreograph this???


Armi looks a lot like Dana Plato who ironically also died at a young age to a personal demon.

Joe Curley

We love you Armi and Danny!


Okay, this is bad, but we have our own videos that stink. There was a video on MTV in the 90s with a guy that played a tv host and he walked around the audience singing. It was bizarre. Also, "my breaky breaky heart" what the heck is that?

Destin Blaine

This video is typically European in it's sentimentality....but that moment when Danny turns on a dime and prances off, he looks like a Sesame Street muppet, infact they all do expect the girl, who looks like a Olivia Newton John wannabe.....and Danny looks so gay, it's not even funny, he looks like typical 70s gay that a wig or does he do the sideburns in dark intentionally? It does have a MGM Frat House musical comedy with Pat Lawford nausea to it as very bad attempt at entertainment at the time, but maddeningly funny now.....


Here is his web site...just as bad as the vid.


Corky St. Clair was obviously inspired by this choreography.

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