Tracking The Threat provides a flash-based graphic interface for exploring the relationships between various international terrorists, places and events. You can have fun for hours. Did you know that North Korea has Acoustic Mines? via Information Aesthetics.
Even Senator Ted Stevens now has an iPod . And last week his Commerce Committee gave the RIAA the cold shoulder when Ted realized that they didn't want to let him load radio shows onto it. Link, via EFF.
Bez, the drug-dealing, maracca shaking cheerleader for Happy Mondays, is slated to play one of Jesus' disciples in a Manchester-based BBC version of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. Jesus himself hasn't been cast yet, but whoever plays him will get to sing Joy Division's Love Will Tear Us Apart, while Mary Magdalene gets The Buzzcocks' Ever Fallen In Love. Guardian UK story, via Hatch.
The Bigfoot Resurgence continues - here's a page of the audio recordings of the big guy howling, sneezing, stomping and making a racket in general. Thanks Dale!
Short video of a street singer with one hell of a voice. (download video, 9meg wmv file) via youtube
Donald Rumsfeld's plan for taking the war to the web. via
From the days when Osama was our man in Afghanistan, Mujahadeen comics. via fulminatia
It's like mushrooms, without the dry heaves: Click in the center to get it started, stare into the pinwheel for 20 seconds, and then look away at any large stationary object.
Lots of cool shockwave visual sound toys at storynest. My faves: rain | smashing chairs | butterfly's dream | Stuck | Number
Why did Bernard-Henry Levy and the French Poop Machine hit our shores at the same time? via fazed
Chin rap (download video, 4 meg quicktime). It's been done before, but the braces and the showercap make it. via
Ever been surrounded by a mob of menacing farm animals? OK, they're not so menacing.
Art links from the amazing cabinodd site:
The best part of that Guardian story: when Jesus is being flayed by Roman soldiers, he'll be singing "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now".
Posted by: ralph | January 29, 2006 at 07:12 AM
For those of us who oppose restrictive flagging and other RIAA "Shut up and consume" measures, the solution is obvious. Start a fund to send your senator an Ipod.
Posted by: Parq | January 29, 2006 at 06:43 PM
We made the mistake of showing our three year old the French Poop Machine. Now all he wants to do is play "snacks" on the computer and he always makes the most wretched combos (on purpose,I think).
Posted by: Elisabeth | January 30, 2006 at 08:36 AM