Chris T. buried Communication Breakdown Unshackled on December 23. The 3-hour web-only show was great fun but Chris isn't down with getting up at 4 AM. He thinks he can handle 6:30, which is why "Communication Breakdown World-Wide" is on the horizon. Set to begin Friday, Jan. 13, the show will webcast live 8 - 9 AM (prime-time in Tokyo) and consist of phone calls to and from far-flung corners of the world via the standard phone line and Skype. The Skype address for the show is "commbreak" and voicemail IS available - so why not call NOW? All you need is the Skype software and a microphone hooked up to your computer. "Communication Breakdown World-Wide" will also be available as a podcast after the initial web-cast. You can find out more about Communication Breakdown here, and read about WFMU's ever-growing roster of podcasts by clicking here.