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January 18, 2006



Thanks Kenny, this is cool. I also really like a mashmix PLU made of Led Zeppelin on your show a couple years ago? It sounds backwards and perhaps stretched? Maybe you and she did it together. Anyways it's excellent.


It sounds even more interesting if you reverse it then play it!

Jon Leidecker

Kenny G you sneaky devil

Andre's right: Tom did do another variation called 'Heaven To Stairway' which runs the quarter notes forward, but in reverse order.

And I now believe Tom's claim. Here's a screenshot of the session. (Mind you, PT creates 2 regions for every splice, so the number of actual regions is half 666 -- but still this is beyond impossible).

even if i knew i could get attention at this respectable radio station for doing stuff like this, i wouldnt do it.

thats probably why im doomed to failure in life.

that, or i am 180 degrees out of phase with the universe.

sorry, the satanic backwards messages must have 'gotten to me'
(even more foul music here.)


Pretty groovy... And gives me some ideas as well... hmm time for some backwards melodica?

lineage 2 adena

Lucky people make effective decisions by listening to their intuition and gut instincts

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