You could almost add this to the annals of great moments in televised lipsynching, but no, this is a video clip of Kurt Cobain doing what can only be described as karaoke (download video, 28 meg, mpeg file). The only catch is that he's doing karaoke to one of his own songs, Smells Like Teen Spirit. This is from Nirvana's Top of the Pops appearance from November of 1991. For reasons still unclear to me, the BBC asked the band to perform the song with a live vocal, using the instrumental backing track from Nevermind. Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic make no effort to appear to be playing, and Cobain turns in a magnificent performance, swallowing the microphone, singing lyrics like "load up on drugs, kill your friends" with a sarcastic lounge-like baritone. A little more info here. And if you enjoyed this, you're sure to enjoy Public Image, Ltd. or Prince on American Bandstand. via fulminatia
This has become one of the most legendary performances in the TOTP archive
The reason for Kurts' live vocal was because earlier in 1991 thanks to flagging ratings, the show underwent a revamp. Out went all familiar presenters and in came these faceless nonentities nobody remembers, and in a controversial move as a reaction against the high influx of videos and bad miming, so the producers made themselves unpopular by giving preference to acts who would sing live, a move that angered Pete Waterman who would not let his acts like Kylie, Jason etc sing live.
So, Kurt was simply going along with the brief of the show at the time. It made a HUGE impact in Britain... people talked about it for weeks afterwards and in my opinion this performance as well as their John Peel sessions were what broke Nirvana in Britain.
Thought I'd clear up the story of the live vocal... yet it still doesn't explain just WHY he sang it the way he did... not that it mattered because the impact was big.
Best Wishes,
Posted by: Baz | January 31, 2006 at 01:51 PM
Apparently, it was his 'tribute' to Ian Curtis of Joy Division fame. I remember at the time thinking Cobain was just off his sheds on skag. One way to get through doing TOTP, I suppose. Given Kurt's subsequent self-trephanation via shotgun the affinity with Curtis was more than merely musical,,,
Posted by: HCL | January 31, 2006 at 05:05 PM
Wasn't it supposed to be a Morrissey impersonation?
Posted by: Tom | February 01, 2006 at 04:25 AM
I believe that the BBC often had singers perform with a live mike and taped background back into the 60's.
Posted by: Krys O. | February 01, 2006 at 10:14 AM
Live vocals with taped background were also quite common on German TV. Maybe it is a European cultural thing...
Posted by: Lukas | February 02, 2006 at 04:22 PM
kurts first demo
Posted by: fecalmatterleaked | March 31, 2006 at 02:52 PM
My Kurt Special made right after his death
Rock N' Manson Simpson Show #4
Aired May 2, 1994
Nirvana "Negative Creep" -- Italy 1991
Kurt Cobain Interview at Utah Airport by Jim Heneghan
Nirvana "Scentless Apprentice" -- Seattle 1993
Gibby Haynes Interview NYC Pub Access
SICK MONTAGE w/ Martha Raye & Cannibals
Starrock "Time Waits For No One"
Eric Idle on Laverne & Shirley
David Cassidy Killed by Amp
Sally Struthers Goes NUTS
Shonen Knife "Pretty Little Baka Guy" -- Live Oaska 86
Battle of the Network Stars with Runaways & Jacksons
Batty Boy
Abadon "Madame Bathory" INSANE MEXICAN METAL'
Doobie Brothers "Psych Jam" live Jefferson H.S.
Donny Most as "Molloch" "Devil Take Me" from Chips
Jimi Hendrix Death News Reports
This show was made on 2 cheap non-flying erase head VCRs using the Audio dub and Video dub features.
Theme music: "Psych Jam" by Butthole Surfers
Please feel free send this link to anyone you know sick enough to dig this or embed it to you website.
Posted by: dan | June 06, 2006 at 05:02 PM
I don't really know much about this performance seeing as I wasn't born at the time but I saw it on a Nirvana DVD I got and I don't know why he did it but I think his voice sounded so beautiful. It was really deep and just amazing. Am I the only one who was feeling a little teary at the end?
Posted by: Nirvana Fan | December 28, 2006 at 06:52 PM
well i am way more of a Kurt Cobain fan than ANY of you!
so BAM!!! in all your faces!!! and i dont care that he's dead....
because he's the G of all freakin' time!!!!
Posted by: EMILY!!!! | April 20, 2009 at 02:42 PM
haha! im in school!
and my friend amburrrrr is about to post a comment about
Kurt Cobain because he is a master of everything!!!!!!!
Posted by: EMILY!!!! | April 20, 2009 at 02:46 PM
Okaii, so listen up Kurt Cobain is absolutely uhh-mazinn,
Likeee ferreal. Even though he is dead, hes sweet(:
Like seriously anyone that doesnt like him is crazyyy!!
And shouldnt be on this websitte(:
Well imm in school. And yeahh ttyll.(:
Posted by: ambahhhhh. | April 20, 2009 at 02:47 PM
well, if i was 42 years old, and if Kurt were still alive...
haha, im so freakin gay! :D
ummm, yeahh....
Posted by: EMILY!!!! | April 20, 2009 at 02:49 PM
yo dogss(:
whatss poppin'?
so anyways kurt cobainn is likee idk AMAZINGG,!
ha, and im typing this on 420 whata shockerr rightt,
she like me and my friend emily are sittinn here postingg comments instead of doing research on Kurt Cobain, ferr out time linee, well schools overr peacee(:
Posted by: ambahhhhh. | April 20, 2009 at 02:51 PM
hey everyonee(:
how are you this fine dayy haha,
what if i talked like thiss!?!?!
i think i wouldd kill myslef ahaa,
not reeaally.
butt anyways whats up dogsss?
ehh, i dont really care.
im stting here, in class doing a time line on kurt cobain.
itss pretty hardcore, and imma telll all youhh something now,
kurt cobain is the most kick ass person ever!!
dont let him die in the the hearts of the fans keep it goinggg!!!
Posted by: ambahhhhh. | April 22, 2009 at 02:42 PM