I've had a tortured relationship to Bruce Springsteen since I first heard his music on the radio. I grew up on Long Island where Bruce didn't get much airplay, probably in deference to our own home-grown musical son, the execrable Billy Joel. I'm assuming Bruce was perceived as "Jersey" and - short of Born To Run - I don't remembering hearing him much until Born In The USA, which was HUGE on the radio. I couldn't stand that record because - like many people - I wasn't listening carefully and thought Bruce was praising a country I felt had gone horribly wrong under Ronald Reagan (I also hated the synthesizers). Because Springsteen's music tends to the anthemic, which the radio loves and which was anathema to me in my punk rock days, Bruce was someone whose music I actively avoided.
It wasn't until I moved to New Jersey and heard Darkness On The Edge Of Town at a friend's house that I began to "get it" about Bruce. I went out and bought Darkness and Born To Run and Greetings From Asbury Park and whatever else I could find. I even managed to see him in concert a few times, years ago - to the great ridicule of my Long Island friends, who reminded me, "You said you HATED Bruce Springsteen!" Yes, I did. I was big on extreme emotions, back in the day. But Bruce eventually won me over with his understanding of working-class desperation and striving - and especially with the live show, an amazing display of energy and charisma. His willingness to be political, to come out against George Bush and take a humanistic stance earned my respect.
Because my path nearly crossed Springsteen's several times over the past few years (1. Red Bank record store, The Rising midnight release: Bruce shows up, hangs out - I almost went but didn't because I was too tired. 2. Exploring Asbury Park with my then-girlfriend, we come across a video shoot packing up and are told we missed Springsteen by half an hour. 3. Bruce is interviewed in Asbury by the company I work for - and another engineer is assigned.) I always wondered what I'd say if I ever met him. I don't get star-struck often because I meet famous people all the time at the aforementioned radio gig. But to come face-to-face with Springsteen - the idea freaked me out. I actually tried to prepare myself, come up with something witty to say that wouldn't sound too fawning but let Bruce know I appreciated what he did. Nothing came to me. I should've thought harder: Saturday night I met Bruce Springsteen.
It didn't happen in New Jersey. I was at the World Financial Center for the Nebraska concert, presented as part of the New York Guitar Festival. I'd gone to see Laura Cantrell - who performed Used Cars (downloadable Quicktime movie, 15 MB) and sat with her husband, Jeremy Tepper. Just after Laura was done, Jeremy turns to me and whispers, "Bruce is here."
"What? Where?"
"He's standing to the side. He's with Patty (Scialfa, his wife)."
"Get out of here. It must be someone who looks like Bruce..."
"Nope. It's him."
I looked off in the direction Jeremy indicated but saw no Bruce-like silhouette. And I couldn't imagine why Bruce would actually drag his wife to this free event on such a cold, miserable night. The last act (Kevin Kinney with Lenny Kaye, performing Reason To Believe) finished up but stayed on the stage, to be joined shortly by all the other performers. Just as I was thinking Dear God save us from the Super Jam! there was a murmuring throughout the place that grew into a roar when the crowd onstage parted and Bruce stepped through, strumming a jumbo acoustic. The audience rose to its feet as Springsteen led his fellow musicians in a stumbling take of Woody Guthrie's Oklahoma Hills (downloadable Quicktime movie, 21 MB). Watch for Laura and Dan Zanes being goaded by Bruce toward a working microphone, after theirs dies, and a little later notice when Laura holds the lyric sheet for him.
After a brief interview with the evening's MC, John Platt (during which Bruce answers the question, "Did we get any of it wrong?" by saying, "A lot of the interpretations of the songs... were wrong. Most of the songs were written... to get woman to pull their pants down." Bruce was leaving the stage when David Spelman - the co-founder and artistic director of the New York Guitar Festival - could be clearly seen imploring him to come back and perform solo. I could see Bruce shake his head "No" several times and I instantly knew why: he wasn't interested in upstaging any of the other performers. He hung around backstage a little, then went up an escalator to a bar upstairs at the World Financial Center.
The concert over, Jeremy, Laura and I headed to the same bar for the after-party. I knew Bruce was in there somewhere but I was intent on getting a beer, so I sidled up to the bar and waited for a complimentary Brooklyn Lager. A beer materialized but I wasn't sure if it was for me or the woman next to me, who turned out to be Patty Scialfa. I tapped her on the shoulder and politely inquired, "Is that your beer - or mine?"
"I think it's yours. I'm drinking wine."
"Thanks. I just didn't want to take your beer. Or Bruce's." Patty laughed. And then - speak of the devil - there I was face-to-face with the Boss. I stuck out my hand, said, "I'm from New Jersey, too."
"Hey! A Jersey boy." Bruce laughed and shook my hand vigorously a few times. I decided to try a joke and added, "Can I get a lift back with you?" Bruce laughed again, as other people began pressing in for a word, an autograph, a picture. I knew I had mere moments to step up to the plate and say something real. Smiling, I said, "Thanks for the courage of your convictions. I appreciate it." Bruce smiled back and said, "Thanks!" Then I patted him on the back and managed to slip my camera to Laura Cantrell, who took the picture you saw earlier (I repaid Laura later by snapping this lovely shot of the Proprietess with Bruce). I didn't get an autograph, however - something about slipping a piece of paper and a Sharpie to Springsteen seemed wrong.
What about you? Ever meet Bruce? Or do you have something you're saving up to say to him? Let me hear it...
Great story, Chris. I must here confess a weakness for certain Springsteen albums myself, especially Darkness on the Edge of Town. Thanks for the courage of your convictions.
Posted by: William Berger | January 16, 2006 at 06:25 AM
I never met Bruce. I have seen him on several occasions (once in Nashville on the Darkness Of the Edge of Town tour, in an arena that was barely half full). I have met Don Ho! Anybody want that story? I am not sure about his affinity with the struggles of the working man.
Posted by: dave from Knoxville | January 16, 2006 at 08:20 AM
That was kool...Chris!
Bruce, is one helluva performer. I must say...putting his all into the concert's and as Jagger sings about ripping his heart out of his chest and throwing it on the stage...
That to me, is Bruce.
Posted by: Cazzy-The Alien Blues Dude | January 16, 2006 at 09:41 AM
Bruce lived along the road I would drive to go to high school. I don't know if he still lives there. One day on the way home, I saw him jogging.
A lot of people I know say they've met Springsteen.
I did meet Clarence Clemons, though.
Posted by: listener_paul | January 16, 2006 at 02:06 PM
I never met Bruce, but once long ago had a dream that I had to impersonate him in concert. Must've been around 1983. I too had a punk rock ethos back then and Bruce was too mainstream for me, and too "Jersey" (I was at college in Buffalo). But I had read descriptions of his concerts, and I guess he had my respect.
So in my dream, in the bizarre way of dreams, I had to step in for the Boss at a concert for some reason, and I was concerned because I thought his fans might notice. Meanwhile I knew about zero songs besides Born to Run and the Nebraska LP. (The Clash was It for me). Yet somehow there was some hope I could actually lip synch for 3 hours.
But the concert never happened, I must've woken up. And I didn't meet him in the dream, either.
Posted by: Brian C. | January 16, 2006 at 03:35 PM
I'm still waiting for Bruce to invite me over sometime. If he doesn't tour this summer, I'm sure we'll hang out in Red Bank for a day or two, just shooting the shit and all.
Posted by: tattooDad | January 16, 2006 at 08:47 PM
Great story, I was there too. Bruce and Patty were standing next to us during the show. I recognized her first, Bruce was hugging her from behind and burying his head in her neck sort of hiding I guess or just being the romantic guy that he is. There were two gigantic body guards standing about ten feet behind keeping an eye on their boss. I thought it was great that he showed up. No one bugged him all night and only a handful of people recognized him but no one approached. I thought about trying shake his hand or saying something to him but, like you, I couldn't think of anything "meaningful" to say and I didn't want to bother him. I also didn't want to get stomped by his body guards if I actually reached out to tap him or his wife on the shoulder. It was great to hear him perform, that was my first Bruce "show".
Posted by: remizak | January 16, 2006 at 09:11 PM
Chris, I enjoyed your Bruce story,
do you have one for our new book?
Posted by: Laser | January 16, 2006 at 11:57 PM
Until I was 13, I went to the same beach club as Springstreen. Had physically walked into him, by accident, I was carrying a skim board or something--it had obstructed my vision. The club was called Chapel Beach Club, it's in Sea Bright. People always let him do his thing. He also has a home in Rumson, blocks away from the high school I went to. So I saw him around plenty, even trick or treated at his mansion, where he hired off duty cops for the candy giving. Anyway, the strangest two things I mention about Springsteen is my English teacher who was absolutely obsessed with him. He had us read his lyrics in class and admitted that he hoped a student would introduce him. Also, my friends worked at an ice cream place in Rumson called Crazees. One of the rules for employees was that they could not stare at Bruce or Bon Jovi like they were celebrites. You'd get fired. Shit. I hated the man and the music, until I moved far away. I hear him now and I pine for the shore. The boss!
Posted by: Anthony A. | January 17, 2006 at 12:09 AM
I met Bruce 2-3 times. Crossed very few words. The best moment was a party in Madrid,Spain, after an acoustic show. We had a toast.
Posted by: Sal | January 17, 2006 at 06:12 AM
I never met Bruce, but I did meet another "boss" my first summer in Seattle. I went out to a club to see a show by some band that I do not remember. I was very early. The only people in the club were me, the bartender, and Tad Doyle. Speaking of people who are larger than life. Tad has presence. And he's so very nice.
After my initial shock of seeing Tad there in front of me, I walked over to the bar. The bartender ignored me. I shot her a few glances hoping to get a "What can I get for you?" But nothing came my way. Then Tad came up behind me. Immediately the bartender asks, "Tad, what can I get you?" Instead of placing his order, Tad said in a rough voice, "I believe this fella was here before me."
Oh happy day!
It'd be nice to be at the same bar with Bruce. Great story. Thanks for sharing it.
Posted by: Patrick in Seattle | January 17, 2006 at 02:23 PM
I was there at the show and the party. I actually have a nice picture of bruce at the bar with you. while speaking to him, I mentioned that the last time he and I spoke face to face was at a tiny coffeehouse in new brunswick nj in 1972 I was a dj on my college radio station {wfdu fm}, he had just released his first album [greetings from asbury park]we had done a quick 5 minute interview between sets. Well now, 34 years later I almost fell on the floor when he said "yeah, the bathroom, right?" I still can't believe that after all that time he still remembered the interview he gave to a young, rookie college radio guy in a bathroom because the dressing room was too tiny and too crowded to use. I'll always respect and admire him for sticking to his beliefs and never selling out.
Posted by: dave in nj | January 17, 2006 at 11:02 PM
While I've never talked with Springsteen.
I did interview E-Street drummer Vinnie "Mad Dog" Lopez's mother over the phone shortly after Bruce & management shatz canned him...she wasn't too pleased.
Posted by: Repoz | January 18, 2006 at 01:35 AM
at the 2004 "Warped Tour" stop in Englishtown, NJ, my then 22 & 16 yr old daughters met Bruce Springsteen, who I understand was there with his daughter and lending support to democratic presidential candidate John Kerry and voter sign-ups. he was very gracious to the kids there, mine would've gotten an autograph, but there wasn't a pen amongst the generation zzzz-er's. they snapped pictures, I think I detect Bruce sporting a fanny pack, it happens. personally, besides 2 or 3 tunes, I've always found him overrated, but I'm okay with a decent fella having success. further, as a right-winger myself, I'll let his politics slide, but I draw the line at the fanny pack
Posted by: js | January 18, 2006 at 11:30 AM
Sometime in the late 80's, I was a "Patrick's", a bar in New Brunswick, NJ. Me and some friends of mine went to see John Eddie play. We get there and we hear Bruce is there too. Having seen him play in intimate settings before, we acted very cool about it. Until my friend comes over and says that Bruce is in the bathroom. I hustle over there and approach one of the urinals. Bruce is finishing in the other one as I start at mine. Just then, the door to the bathroom flies open, and Bruce waves his arms as if to invite everyone inside. I made some lame joke about having a little privacy. He laughed, and then left. Saying I "met" him is a stretch, but I did pee next to him. Interestingly enough, my wife was there that night as well, but I didn't meet her until 1997.
Posted by: Eli | January 19, 2006 at 03:33 PM
I used to be the inventory manager for an over-priced vintage clothing store in SoHo. Springsteen and his wife were regular customers and I had sporadic dealings with him. He seemed like a nice guy even though I think he's responsible for some of the worst music in the world. One time he spent thousands on WWII and Vietnam-era military clothes and accessories. I got the impression that he was building a bunker somewhere...
Posted by: Dave the Spazz | January 19, 2006 at 03:37 PM
Pics from this show here and here; review/recap here.
Posted by: J | January 20, 2006 at 03:28 AM
During Jones' Asbury Park show in 2004, Springsteen was rehearsing with Patti's band in the Paramount. There were some nice vintage cars parked in the street in front of the theater, so I wandered over to look. Then I walked around to the other side of the theater & saw Bruce's classic Vette parked behind a fence next to the boardwalk & decided to check it out. Bruce was standing outside on the nearly deserted boardwalk chatting with two fans. There was no one else around. & I'd left my camera at Hojo's. Those two fans got their pics. I just got to say "hi" & stand there for a few minutes like a dork before Bruce excused himself because he was there "to help his wife."
Posted by: Rix | January 21, 2006 at 05:03 PM
Me and some friends drove all over Rumson NJ on a hot summer day a few years ago. We were looking for Bruce's house and we had vaige (spelling ? of vaige looks weird, probably wrong) directions. Anyway after hours of driving I pulled over and said "hold on, let's get out the map" for the upteenth time. Just then this lady on a bike was riding by and I said "hi we are looking for Bruce Springsteen's house and she stopped her bike next to my car and pointed at his house and said "yea there it is". We couldn't believe it. It was just really lucky we pulled over there. You couldn't see much from the road but we were there. I know Bruce and Patty had a new home built on 100 acres somewhere in Monmouth County in 2005but I am not sure where.
Posted by: Dolores Liebs | February 11, 2006 at 03:16 AM
I think his other crib is in Colt's Neck. I believe my friend's dad is his landscaper. I just finished listening to Nebraska, and can't get over that Suicide-ish yell on "State Trooper."
Posted by: Anthony | February 16, 2006 at 02:43 AM
My girlfriend 23 years ago was his neighbor, i believe it was robin road. Her son drove drunk into his mailbox and he was nice enough not to press charges. I been trying to find her in the last few yrs . wonder if she still lives there. I never saw Bruce in the 4 months i was there.
Posted by: Angelo Galerio | August 06, 2006 at 11:15 PM
I have been to a few Bruce concerts since i first saw him in 1985. But I havent had the pleasure of meeting him in person.Me and a good friend of mine went to Freehold,NJ in 1994.It was cool to see where Bruce grew up.I hope someday i will meet Bruce.
Posted by: Sharon | June 11, 2007 at 11:42 PM
Yes someone should let the Boss know that there is still price gouging going on for tickets to concerts. I went to Ticket Master to buy them for his concert in LA in April, at 10AM when they went on sale, and went from a 7min. wait to a 4min. wait to a 15min.wait? and when I finally got to the sales they were going for $145 and the seats were on another planet! How sad, and dissapointing. Dianne Corsaro
Posted by: Dianne Corsaro | February 02, 2009 at 03:30 PM
Never met Bruce Springsteen, always got the bleacher seats. I am not delusional in thinking I will ever meet the man, but at least in concert we all get to meet the artist.
I did meet Steve Earl when he played on Mary's Street in Charleston SC. It is in a part of the city where all the artists perform.
I came very close to meeting Roy Orbison In 1987 when he played the Riviera in Chicago, but a babysitter was losing her mind because me six month old daughter cried since I left for the evening, and motherhood reluctantly, very reluctantly out ranked waiting for the big O to get to his limmo. But hearing that voice live was the most precious moment of my life, and that is something no one can ever take away.
I saw Bruce in the bleacher seats a few years ago, which was well worth it because I saw Clarence Clemons for the last time and Bruce promised he'd come back to Charleston, but so far he hasn't.
Posted by: Mary Arroyo | December 11, 2012 at 12:07 PM