If you're like us, you can't get enough robot action. Well, I just hit robo-paydirt on the We Make Money Not Art blog: be sure to check out this video (12 MB mov file) from 1st Ave Machine predicting a happy and peaceful robot-filled future for NYC, or this one (9 MB mp4, will play with quicktime) of a wooden hippie robot that's ready for a hacky sack and a drum circle.
Previous robot adventures on Beware of the Blog:
- Mark Allen's tale of life with a robot
- Altoid tin robots and stuffed animal robot videos on this post
- Ken brings you up to speed on prosthetic robot arms
- Android tai chi video available here
- Robot girl, desperately in need of uppers
- Chimp running on a chip, brought to you by Chris T.
- WFMU's robots
- Robo go-gos and metallic jockeys
- Another robot gal, designed by NASA
- Dancing robot videos
another good robot food one from the we-make-money... blog is the Cybernetic Parrot Sausage
yay talking meat products
Posted by: jason | April 11, 2006 at 01:38 AM