Calling all devotees of the International Brotherhood of Jones, the hour of reckoning is upon you (well, almost.) This Sunday, January 8th, drive, hitch-hike, fly, or swim that accursed Passaic River to the Loop Lounge at 12 noon for Glen Jones and X. Ray Burns' Nth annual Holiday Party!
Yep, you too can (and should!) join the festivities and be a part of this special remote broadcast event, to feature live music from Holmes, and a promised appearance from Santa Clown. (Pictured here with Jones himself. Trust me, you don't want these guys showing up at your door demanding to know why you went to church, your mom's house, or -- god forbid -- brunch, instead of to the Loop.)
The Loop Lounge is located at 373 Broadway in hip and fashionable Passaic Park, New Jersey. Pictures of previous years IBJ holiday parties can be seen here and here.