All MP3 and RealAudio links are streaming links from the WFMU Archives.
Rock And Roll
Kick Axe - "The Chain" RealAudio
from Brian Turner's show, February 7, 2006
Mariana Sadovska - "Ballad of Dovbush" RealAudio
from Irene Trudel's show, February 6, 2006
People Like Us / Wobbly / Matmos - "Chicken Legs" RealAudio
from Ken's show, February 8, 2006
You can download the full People Like Us album and more here.
Silver Beat - "Guillotine Beats" RealAudio
from Bring That Beat Back with Billy Jam, February 8, 2006
Weird Al Yankovic - "Yoda" RealAudio
from Greasy Kid Stuff, February 11, 2006
Akira Rabelais - "Wyclif Gen. II. 7" RealAudio
from Acapulco Dance Party with Acapulco Rodriguez, February 9, 2006
Fave Song of the Week
Richard Ashcroft - "Break the Night With Colour" RealAudio
from Pseu Braun's show, February 10, 2006
Have you guys ever considered setting up a podcast of all of the mp3s featured on the fmu blog? I would love to have easy access to the strange/funny/historical music featured here in my iTunes.
Posted by: Elliot Harmon | February 13, 2006 at 02:57 AM
Just to let everyone the Akira Rabelais has only 4 minutes of the song and has some other clips over the top of it. The rest is from something else. Incredible album though.
Posted by: wallace | February 13, 2006 at 10:58 AM