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February 09, 2006



Madonna is the only person I know that can make nude pantyhose somehow seem hip

Ray Brazen

I am at a loss to proclaim which made me sadder: Sly Stone's trainwreck of an appearance or the tribute to him which preceded his appearance onstage...


I simply forgot about the Grammys. The only consolation is that I'm sure Ms. Braun's account was far more entertaining than the actual show.

Paul Simononymous

The only part I saw was Paul McCartney, the guy from Linkin Park, and Jay-Z performing "Yesterday".

I have nothing but respect for Paul. Or at least I did before that disaster.

What in the hell could he possibly have been thinking?


what are "grammies"?


first: the paul mccartney/chaos and creation in the backyard/booty comment almost made milk come out of my nose.

second: as soon as i heard there was gonna be a sly and the family stone tribute i knew the train was comming. how about american idol judge randy jackson rocking the bass on "if you want me to stay"... and why didn't they have someone like tim mcgraw sing "don't call me nigger, whitey?"

steve PMX

Pseu Braun is absolutely magnificent. I love everything about his spastic ADD-riddled Grammy's commentary. I tried to watch the Grammy's this year, but I honestly couldn't get past the very beginning - Alicia Keys + Stevie Wonder's terribly scripted and apparently un-rehearsed dialogue. Painful would be an understatement.

Pseu Braun really nailed it with style. More please!!


oh yeah boy, pseu braun's blogposts are almost as good as his mighty radioshow!

Pseu Braun

That's right. Besides having a giant penis, I do some awesome freeform radio.

buckeye girl

I got really bored by the time the Sly Stone tribute started, and I figured there was 0% chance he would be there. So I wandered off and when I came back there he was. Only I thought it was that dude (Angelo?) from Fishbone. Frankly, I still do. I mean - what is Fishbone doing these days? That guy could totally be a Sly Stone impersonator.


Yes, Sly Stone's one minute appearance was a trainwreck....but at least it meant one minute LESS of seeing BONO and his goofy glasses. I was less offended by Sly Stone's effed-up schtick and more offended by the relentless shucking and jiving of all the tru no-talents who were the prelude to his grand entrance.

I figure this is the last any of us will ever see of Sly,
so let's hear it for the trainwreck!


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