Anyone who even casually listens to WFMU knows that we're incredibly fortunate to have such an amazing barrage of talent blowing through out halls on a regular basis. (No, I'm not talking about our DJs. We do exhibit some modesty, you know.) But let's face it, the freeform sounds that astound can only be duly complimented by the artists and musicians responsible for it actually dropping by in the flesh for a more intimate taste of their noisemaking. One such artist who recently graced Brian Turner's show with his presence is Jonathan Kane, whose avant-drumming résumé includes collaborations with heavyweights such as the Swans, Rhys Chatham, La Monte Young, and Dave Soldier's Kropotkins.
Sitting at my desk as I listened to the full performance, I sensed a visceral manifestation of the sounds pouring out of my typing fingers and rhythmically clacking against my computer's keyboard. Channeling a decade's worth of downtown sonic tradition and seamlessly marrying it to seemingly disparate rockabilly vibes, some of Kane's latest work is poised to both envision and summate what can only be called Avant-Roadhouse. Want more proof? Download this video (60MB, .WMV Format), masterfully shot by WFMU documentarian Phil Catalano and sonically engineered by unmatched knob-spinner Gil Schuster. After you've poured yourself back into your chair, head over to Brian's archive of the full set, and also be sure to check out Kane's new Table of the Elements label release, suitably entitled February.