Once again, we hereby present a busy-person's guide to the internet. Tired of surfing newsfeeds for cool links, only to be redirected to some irritating designers's flash resume page? We sympathize.
Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers
You know that horrible urban legend about the guy who goes on vacation, stays in a hotel, comes home, finds a strange videotape in his suitcase, watches it, and then finds out the horrible things the hotel employees did with his toothbrush? Yeah? Well, this movie is nothing like that.
Hindu Hells
And the only slightly talented cartoonists who populate them.
Balloon Hats from Around the World
Gives all new meaning to the phrase "tying one on". Although this website's compiler was very thoughtful to have broken down the gallery by continent and region, I must confess that balloon hats from the USA are pretty much exactly like the balloon hats from the Balkans, only their's probably have better music.
Austin Punk Photo Archive
The Big Boys, The Dicks, Butthole Surfers, Offenders, and more. And if you dig around a little bit, naked people.
Russian Polar Bear Portraits
And all the reasons you need to... you know, not jump in the Atlantic Ocean anytime this month. Especially if you value your gentle and clear complexion. Some porno banner ads, so possibly NSFW.
The Pulp Art Palace
Bitchin' babes, nerdy sci-fi, corny captions, and shameless overuse of the same font about 1000 times.
Joe Vaux Gallery
Creepy sound effects, a creepy pig navbar, giant hairy monkeys destroying cities. A bit like cnn.com, now that I think of it.
Make Your Own Jesus out of a Toilet Paper Tube
You know, if you feel like it, I mean. That's not a directive. We're sooooo not about being bossy here at WFMU.
Suicide by Lego
And the most amazing part is, these people only look like they might have jobs!
Kinetic Sculptor Arthur Ganson's Amazing Machines
Short movie clips of these incredible, moving works of art.
Winnebago Man
I don't want any more bullshit any time during the day, from anyone. That includes me. (NSFW)
This month's links were sent in by Irwin Chusid, Ken Freedman, Steinski, Bryce, Listener Daniel, and the editor.