I'm a Gonzo Girl. I don't know how it happened, but somewhere along the line Gonzo and I became rather intimate, and our unholy offspring is "Sweet Amanda, the Sex Blogger." (Note to self: seek genetic counseling before procreating again.) In case you were wondering, I look and live exactly like her. I am about 7" tall, and I am usually barely clothed. I have a great view of midtown Manhattan from my little house in Brooklyn, and since I don't wear underwear, you have a great view of my naughty bits. I always keep a dildo on my coffee table in case I have company. Sometimes when I'm blogging, I get so excited I fall off the chair, but then I get right back up, partly because of the editor boss-lady with the whip, but mostly because I know you have a hard time finding sex-related content on the internet, and I am here to help.
Gonzo generously donated 2 of his figurines to the wfmu fundraising marathon. Details on how you can get in the running for them, and more, are with all the Bucket of Smut prize package info. Give it up for Gonzo.
Google. Google stole porn.
Meat on a stick. China's first all-penis restaurant. Get your franchise license now.
Recycle condoms, sure. But resell them? Genius.
Good wood. An interview with "the ridiculously brilliant" Wilfrid Wood.
Public service announcement: Guy kills roommate over empty toilet paper roll. Just because it happened in Florida doesn't mean it couldn't happen here. Like right here. Just saying.
Talking animals are an international threat. Like Bush, China is also against hybrids.
Here's a good reason why: loser bunny can't get laid.
When I Am King. A cool story without words, which makes it a little easier to read, or a little harder, depending. via artdorks
This week in butts: Butt enhancers "give your butt that competitive edge." Naughty olde timey girls smoke. A century of smoking later, I'm sure they're still looking great. smokers via fleshbot
Bunny Yeager's Nude Las Vegas. In movie trailer form. Need I say more? NSFW
A merkin is: a) a mini-gherkin, b) a good ole boy from the US of A, c) a failed prototype of the delicious munchkin Dunkin
donut, or d) a pubic wig
that debuted in 1450 to cover syphilitic pustules and gonorrheal warts
in the genital area, now used in fetish play and drag, and available
in nylon, yak belly, or human hair. Did you guess d? You are so fucking
clever! NSFW
This will make your hair curl. International women curlers made a nudie calendar and people got mildly worked up over it. More stupid nude calendars.
Flow it, show it. Long as God can grow it. Hair.
A little sketchy. Dr. Sketchy's, a life-drawing/cabaret/contest/coffee/drinkee thing in Brooklyn, but you can start your own.
All we hear is radio vulva.
This would make nice wallpaper if you don't work and you don't get seasick. NSFW
Thanks to the boss (Station Manager Ken) Sal, Bryce, and other people I forget. Most of my stuff usually comes from newswires, but this week my bff was sexblo.gs, so if you can't wait for smutty Friday on wfmu, go there.
I feel that I need to clarify a few things about the sweet Amanda post. It is true she looks pretty much like the figurine, except she is probably a little better looking, I just did not want to overdo her. naturally she is not only 7" tall, that is just plain silly. As far as barely clothed, that was my idea, she usually writes in the nude, I just subdued her as a courtesy. The naughty parts are for sure correct, YUP! The dildo on the table was my idea as a joke, she usually keeps that in the drawer by her bed. The view was also my idea, I figured it would link the picture to the radio station. She does get very excited, but I must say I have actually never seen her fall off her chair. The only thing I am not sure about, are those pictures on the wall, HMMMMM????? So I hope that clears up any confusion that anyone might have. Gonzo
Posted by: Gonzo | February 25, 2006 at 11:03 PM
Hey, thanks for the link and mention of Dr. Sketchy!
Posted by: Molly Crabapple | February 27, 2006 at 02:32 PM