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March 27, 2006


Sensei Rebel

Hey Professor, I know most Croatian, but it's still hard to make out. My best guess is it sounds like politicans speaking about some changes in law or government and sounding like they're hesitant about the people or the goverment, I guess, wanting to go along with it. I always have a problem whenever old guys are talking politics using big words I can't really follow. I also hear Serbia mentioned, but I don't know in what context. Usually it's not too good whenever a Croatian mentions Serbia. Sorry I can't be of more help.

And that reminds me, my dad used to be able to get Hrvatska TV on RealPlayer. Do you or anyone know how I can do that?


Interesting choice of a picture for "clandestine gear". How did you dig that up? That is a picture of a few old military receivers (and one transmitter) from the Military Radio Collectors Group show a few years back, in California. Nothing really clandestine about it - in fact we welcome anyone interested in such weird radios.

The radio front and center is actually a very good shortwave receiver, but to use it properly involves a great deal of knob twiddling. In the right hands it is extremely sensitive, but suffers from being very unselective. Still, not bad for a 1935 design.

The Professor

Thanks for the rough translation Sensei. And that sounds like a typical political news analysis program to me. Just taking a quick look around, it appears that there was some streaming Croatian TV here, but the links seem to be broken now. However, I was able to scare up some some Croatian radio stations which stream in realaudio at this site.

And toober, I dug up that graphic by typing "clandestine radio" into a Google Image search and grabbed the most compelling photo I happened across. And now looking at the source page I see that you are correct on both counts. It is old military radio gear photographed at a 1999 Military Radio Collector's Group meeting in California. Apparently the Google Image bot should have pointed toward this picture, which isn't nearly as interesting as the one I used, but is indeed a clandestine S-6 "spy radio" set. Still, the image I included does include a transmitter which could conceivably be used for illicit broadcasting.

Truth told, I do spend more time on the text than on selecting the pictures, but I do appreciate you taking the time to clear that up.

dave k

Professor, Thanks for re-jump starting my DXing. I listen using an old Radio Shack/Sangean DX-392 with built in cassette [which has taken a beating truth be told].It's stuck on WFMU,WABC, and WBCQ. Also have a Sangean SX-622 which is a real cheapie < $30 and almost O.K. with an extention antenna, but serves as a good bathroom AMer. About 3 weeks ago I purchased a Kaito KA1103, this in my opinion is one great under 100 dollar radio. I have pulled in the stations you write about and a few more oddballs using the SSB. Thanks, Dave K.
P.S. My first Short Wave radio was a Hallicrafters S120 back in the sixties. Listening to 20 questions on the BBC is a heck of a way to start. Sadly only the faceplate is still with me.


OK, interesting Google association. Anyway, not a complaint at all, really, just shock, I suppose, to see them in a WFMU context.

Ironically, the big green receiver in the picture is actually for finding clandestine radios so the guys with the big guns can clobber them.

Ross Casey

Great post! I remember an episode of Gilligan's Island where Gilligan was picking up radio transmissions through the fillings in his teeth. There was also something in "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" where Luther Haigs (Don Knott's) was discredited in the courtroom when his old schoolteacher revealed that Haigs claimed he was getting secret transmissions from Admiral Byrd. I can't recall if that was through the fillings in his teeth though.

Is there any truth to the assertion that one can receive radio signals through ones' fillings? Just curious. Keep up the wonderful work!

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