208 Versions of Todd Colby's "Cake"
For the past ten years, I've been playing a rant by Todd Colby called Cake each week on my show. Needless to say, it's become a Kenny G classic. After the jump are 160 versions of "Cake" done by you, the WFMU listenership. Thanks to all who participated. Just amazing!
208 WFMU Listener MP3s of Cake can be found after the jump.
MP3 Versions
The Original Cake by Todd Colby
Cake Cover (German) by Listener Boris Hladek
Cake Cover by Listener David Fenech
Cake Cover by Listener Emerson Dameron
Cake Cover by Listener Fatty Jubbo
Cake Cover by Listener Faust Gertz
Cake Cover by Listener Jason Grunebaum
Cake Cover by Listener Jorge Vaz Nande
Cake Cover by Listener Josh Dippold
Cake Cover (Sexy Smooth) by Listener Scott
Cake Cover by Listener Michael X. Rose
Cake Cover (Death Metal) by Listener norelpref
Cake Cover by Listener Shawn Huelle
Musical Cake Song by Vicki Bennett
Cake Cover 1 by Vicki Bennett
Cake Cover 2 by Vicki Bennett
Cake Cover 3 by Vicki Bennett
Cake Cover 4 by Vicki Bennett
Cake Cover 5 by Vicki Bennett
Cake Cover 6 by Vicki Bennett
Cake Cover 7 by Vicki Bennett
Cake Cover 8 by Vicki Bennett
Cake Cover 9 by Vicki Bennett
Cake Cover 10 by Vicki Bennett
Cake Cover 11 by Vicki Bennett
Cake Cover 12 by Vicki Bennett
Cake Cover 13 by Vicki Bennett
Cake Cover 14 by Vicki Bennett
Cake Cover by Listener Webb McDonald
Cake (Sprechstimme 'n' Spoons version) by A Chair
Cake by Gerardo Figueroa
Cake (Spanish Version) by Listener Darien
Cake by Listener Macedonia
Cake by Ecstasy Mule
Cake by Listener Necrolepsy
Cake (Vicki Remix) by Sick to the Back Teeth
Cake (Noise) by Sick to the Back Teeth
Cake by Lee Rosevere
Cake (Sad Droid Version) by Boris Hladek
Cake Commentary by Raymond Lowengard
Cake (Scottish Cake Mix) by Webhamster Henry Lowengard
Ordered Cake by by Webhamster Henry Lowengard
Cake (Broken Diaphragm Version) by A Chair
Cake (Todd Colby Live) by Brian J. Davis
Opera Cake by Buzzsaw
Cake by David Alexander McDonald
Cake by Dirt Filth
Cake by Gary Barwin
Cake by Gennar
Cakey Remix by IllGIll
Cake by Listener Kevin Hamilton
Cake 2 by Listener Kevin Hamilton
Cake (Mic) by Listener Kevin Hamilton
Cake Phone by Listener Kevin Hamilton
Cake Trio by Listener Kevin Hamilton
Cake Yell by Listener Kevin Hamilton
Radio Cake 1 by Listener Kevin Hamilton
Radio Cake 2 by Listener Kevin Hamilton
Radio Cake 3 by Listener Kevin Hamilton
Radio Cake 4 by Listener Kevin Hamilton
People Like Us Cake (12 minutes) by Lee Rosevere
Funeral Cake by Reid Gray & Brett Laurance
Cake by Scott Sendra
You Can Call Me Cake by Scott Puhl
Tubular Art Cake by Shane Brashear
Cake of the Month by t-11-1
Vicki Bennett Cake Cover Version One Remix with Uke by Death Is A Sex Act With Echo's Shadow by Lars Tonovich
Cake Robot Master by Björn Eriksson
Cake Cadence by Scott Puhl
Crunk Cake by Scott Puhl
Cake by Listener Eric
Cake by The Ass Grocers
Daffodil Cake by Lalena
Gold Layer Cake by Listener Charles
Psychedelic Cake by Lucas
Cake Yes! by Norelprof
Caque by Ton Ami
Cake in 20 Seconds by Matthew Moreau
Cake Mix by Mannlicher Carcano
Cake 2 by Fatty Jubbo
Cake 3 by Fatty Jubbo
Cake 4 by Fatty Jubbo
Cake 5 by Fatty Jubbo
Cake 6 by Fatty Jubbo
Cake 7 by Fatty Jubbo
Cake 8 by Fatty Jubbo
Cake 9 by Fatty Jubbo
Cake by Art Class 18, Scotch Plains Fanwood High School
I Love Cake by John Fink
Cake Cake Cake by Steve McLaughlin
Cake Markov Chain by Speech Synthesizer Jay Thomas
Cake by Listener Oscar
Cakewalk (after Paul Whiteman) by D.J. Frankie Pigeon
Cake by Craig Keller
Harry's Cake Remix
Cake by Irving Sendra (3 years old)
Cake by Kendall
Listener Kathy's Cake Song
Slow Cake by Listeners Howie & Christine
Cake Storytime by PGB
Cake Braggarts by Scott Puhl
Tattered Cake by Scott Puhl
Cake by The People's Tongue
Cake and Frosting
All Three Answering Machine Cakes Cake
The Cake Song by Victor Scott
Webbcake by Webb McDonald
Cake by The Unmade Beds
Let Them Eat Cack by Lenold
Alley Pus Cake by Alex Brown
The End of Cake by Alex Goddard
Melted Sweetvream Icing by CT Delgado
Cake by David Roberts
Cut-up Cake by DJ Frankie Pigeon
Cake by Don Deeley
Cake 1 by Ed Word
Multi-Cake by Ed Word
Cake 2 by Ed Word
So Cakey Inside by Gurber
Japanese Cake by Hakujin
Fatty-like Cake Mix by Health Food
Mouthful of Cake Cake by Listeners Howie & Christine
Medieval Cake by Kendall
Cake Duet by Kevin Hamilton
Cult of Cake by Kevin Hamilton
Jessica Rabbit Cake by Kevin Hamilton
Nathan Cake by Kevin Hamilton
In the Merry Month of Cake (1608) by Listeners Berit, Henry Youll & Listener Ian
Previously on Cake by Megan Murphy
Cake by Nick the Bard
Italian Mission Cake by Nick the Bard
Yoda Cake by Nick the Bard
Rumcake by The Old Codger
Meow Meow Cake by Henrietta Pussycat
Psalm of Cakes by Scott Puhl
EVP Cake by Scott Williams
Grandpa Cake on the Phone by Scott Williams
Kate's Cake by Scott Williams
Melodramaticake by Scott Williams
RoboCake by Scott Williams
Character Actor's Krusty Elocution Cake by Zach McDonald
Mouthfull of Cake by Zach McDonald
Tearfull Cake by Zach McDonald
Ultimate Butter Cake RX by The Anti-Gravity Workshop
Crazy Cake by Charkee McGee and the Problematically Incentivized Flaming Ducks
Reversed Cake by Ed Word
Cakeecho by Evan DuBois
Cake in Heaven by Evan DuBois
Censored Cake by Henry Lowengard
Cake by Mesmeric
Cake Aircheck by Mike Lupica
Post Nearly Cake by Pat Trip Dyspenze
Cake by Patrick Gibbs
Reversed Cake by Rick Macnamara
Cake Perc by Dirt Filth
Cake Addict by Ed Word
Inhaling Cake by Eric Pearce
Cake by Ewewew
Cake 10 by Fatty Jubbo
Cake by Fkerm
Crhumba by Lance the Listener
Cake Leftovers by Lance the Listener
Euro Discake by Super Lisa
Mike Doughty Does a Well-Enunciated
Cake by Mike Doughty
Mike as an Inebriated Soccer Dad Doing Cake by Mike Doughty
Mike Says Cake by Mike Doughty
Stephanie Does Cake in a Fake Brazilian Accent by Mike Doughty
Stephanie Does Cake With Conviction by Mike Doughty
Stephanie Says Cake by Mike Doughty
Stephanie's Phone Rings During Cake by Mike Doughty
Coked (new version) by Mike Rose
Cake by Olive (2 years old)
Cakes on Plane by Pat Trip Dyspenzer
Word Frequency Cake by Pat Trip Dyspenzer
2006: A Cake Oddysey by Rick Mcnamara
I Want My Fucking Cake Mix by Sphinc Martindale
Cake by The Belgian Waffles!
Cake: Your Feet on the Ground by Todd
ekaCyzarC by ydooM moT
Bad Trip on Cake by Andrew
Drunken Cake Blues by Andrew
The Effects of Tetrahydrocannabinol on The Mind of an Individual by Andrew
Bad German Cake
AbabAcake by Bass Bawl
Cake: German Version
Cake by Dave Kormann
Funk Cake Delic Remix by David Roberts vs. Afrocat
Todd Colby vs. The Who by CCC (Chris Shaw)
Cake by
Cake by Earwhigs
Where is the Cake? by Evan DuBois
Pigecake by Jan Holcomb
Jim Roche's Cake by Oscar Marsh
Theremin Cake by Pat Trip Dyspenzer
I Love Patty Cake by Patrick Gibbs
I Hate Cake by Rick Mcnamara
Soundhacked Cake 1 by Ted Philips
Soundhacked Cake 2 by Ted Philips
Cake by Vigo Brunar
Cake (FCC Version) by X.Y. Zedd
Cake Cake Cake by X.Y. Zedd
Cut the Cake by X.Y. Zedd
Zen Cake by X.Y. Zedd
I'm so full of cake.
If I eat any more cake I'd have to vomit first.
Sometimes I'll eat 2 or 3 cakes in a single day.
I love cake!
I can't be any clearer than that.
I love cake!
I'll eat every cake in New York City.
I can't even go into bakeries anymore because I'll eat all the cake.
I'll say "Where's the cake? Gimme the cake! Get the cake!"
And they say, "We know how very much you love cake, and we know you very rarely have the money for any of our cake, so get outta here, because you can't afford our cake! But we know how much you love cake, so get outta here, you can't afford the cake!"
I'll punch somebody in the head for some cake.
Give me all your cake!
I love cake!
Gimme the cake!
I love it!
I love cake!
Gimme your cake!
[sinister laugh]
Posted by: kevin | March 22, 2006 at 04:46 PM
Here's the full poem (or a longer version of it, apparently)...
Posted by: Jacob | March 22, 2006 at 04:47 PM
OK, here is my version: Psychedelic Cake
Posted by: Lukas | March 23, 2006 at 02:39 PM
And here is my version: Faust reads 'Cake'. Looks like Lucas and I had a similar idea.
Posted by: Faust W.H.B. Gertz | March 24, 2006 at 10:00 AM
I could listen to Vicki Bennett reciting "Cake" all day...
Posted by: Ralph Walters | March 24, 2006 at 12:45 PM
Very sweet poem...it makes me hungry...for cake :)
Posted by: Cindy | March 24, 2006 at 03:07 PM
I took all instances of "cake" out and put them on one track, then duplicated and reversed that track and then added some percussion. Cake remixed.
Posted by: norelpref | March 24, 2006 at 06:04 PM
Found this on Live Journal - didn't see it posted here... Ass Grocers - Cake
Posted by: Norm Bourgeois | March 25, 2006 at 09:26 AM
This is SUCH a GREAT idea, Kenny!!!
Clever, imaginative, brash!!
Who thought of it?!?
Posted by: Irwin Chusid | March 27, 2006 at 07:32 PM
You did, Irving, dear! Without you, I'm nothing.
Posted by: Kenny G. | March 27, 2006 at 08:19 PM
Who is this "Todd Colby"? Could it be the son I abandoned 43 years ago in Minnesota? How can I confirm this? Our family has loved cake for thousands of years. Does he have a birthmark on his lower back in the shape of Laura Bush?
Please help!
Posted by: Jim Colby | March 28, 2006 at 09:48 AM
Hey Nester!!!
Posted by: Amie Winnie | March 30, 2006 at 09:44 AM
i hate cake i avoid anything desert related cookies cream smothered in ice cream i think cake sucks i drink enough beer that my sugar level is way to high to enjoy the daliances into the trivial pleasure of something like cake of course the poem is first class i just hate fucking cake period
Posted by: paul lares | April 02, 2006 at 02:17 PM
"In the Merry Month of Cake" - I'm stunned.
Henry Youll was my great-great-great etc etc Grandfather and wrote "In the Merry Month of May" in 1608. I cannot say how brilliant it is to hear the caked-up version. Thank you!
Posted by: Steven | May 26, 2007 at 03:42 PM
-- CHALLENGE! Here's another rant just begging to be recorded! --
"... a little rant about accuracy and aspiring to be correct. Following in the tradition of good rant interpretation, it was immediately recorded by some fans. The project was then opened up to the world, including you, yes you! Let off a little steam, go crazy and perform your own audio interpretation of the rant."
Posted by: Listener Katya | September 13, 2007 at 08:57 PM
Tired of the links in favorites for downloading? Visit http://newfileengine.com/ and find the straight link to the file required.
Posted by: relax | November 13, 2008 at 03:25 PM
Posted by: ursonate | November 20, 2009 at 11:39 AM